Re: Shopify admin API, get product theme templates

Shopify admin API, get product theme templates

Shopify Partner
5 0 2

How can I get a list of available product template options via Shopify admin APIs (Rest or Graphql)? 
In ProductInput fields (for product update/create mutation) we have a templateSuffix field to set, but I cannot find a way to get the list of all available product templates.
In Shopify admin, we have the block for it, that retrieves availableProductTemplateOptions array. I need the same but via admin API. Look at the screenshot:



Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
39 2 17

Hello, did you find a solution for this?

QuickEdit - Bulk Product Edit - Quick and easy bulk editor for products, variants, and collections.
SafeShip - Address Validator - International address validation and PO box blocking at checkout for Shopify Plus merchants.
Shopify Partner
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Unfortunately, no

Shopify Partner
39 2 17

Someone just shared a solution with me. Apparently, you get them with the Assets API:


But I don't know if this will actually work. I guess the template prefix would be part of the key value?

QuickEdit - Bulk Product Edit - Quick and easy bulk editor for products, variants, and collections.
SafeShip - Address Validator - International address validation and PO box blocking at checkout for Shopify Plus merchants.
Shopify Partner
5 0 2

Hmm, it sounds like a possible solution, must try. Thank you!

Shopify Partner
935 24 193

I have the same issue. The asset API can get the assets of a theme. But there is no key filter. So I don't think it can retrieve all product templates. Getting all theme assets and filter the files may work though

BYOB - Build Your Own Bundles, SPO - SEO App to research keywords & edit social link preview

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Did you found a solution?

Shopify Partner
6 0 0

Big thanks to @DavidT who pointed me at asset resource.


My solution:


import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server";
// shopify.server contains shopifyApp object initialization:
// import { shopifyApp } from "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/server";
// ...
// const shopify = shopifyApp(...);
// export const authenticate = shopify.authenticate;
// then exported authenticate variable is called below to get access to Rest API

const {admin, session} = await authenticate.admin(request);
const shopifyRestApi =;
const assets = await shopifyRestApi.Asset.all({ session: session, theme_id: <theme_id> }); // for example, take theme_id from editor, there is number in URL after /themes
// now I have all asset data, hundreds of elements...

const templatePageKeyPrefix = 'templates/page.';
const templateDefaultPageKey = 'templates/page.json'; 
const templatePageKeys = => {
  const templateKey = asset.key;
  return templateKey.startsWith(templatePageKeyPrefix) && templateDefaultPageKey !== templateKey;
// now I have page templates without 'Default page' page template

// templatePage.key looks like this: templates/
// I need it to looks like this: contact-page
const templateSuffixes = => {
    return templatePage.key.split('/')[1].split('.')[1];
// templateSuffixes contains array of page template suffixes, for example: [contact-page, about-us, terms-and-conditions]


`templateSuffixes` term comes from Page resouce:

`template_suffix` holds value which bounds static page with specific template page.


At first I used Page resource to get all templates from theme, but one template page could be used by multiple static pages, so I searched for better solution. The 'better solution' is this Asset resource.