Re: shopify cli (theme server) - not pushing changes in real time

shopify cli (theme server) - not pushing changes in real time

Shopify Partner
12 2 12

Hello, I recently updated to shopify 2.1.0 and it is not pushing "to the store in real time" using `shopify theme serve`.

I am able to update the theme using `shopify theme push`

The `theme serve --help` doc says:

Uploads the current theme as a development theme to the connected store, then prints theme editor and preview URLs to your terminal. While running, changes will push to the store in real time

Screen Shot 2021-07-14 at 1.33.00 PM.png

When I click the the URL, it redirects to the shopify url, and as i edit the code in VSCode, nothing gets updated when I refresh.

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
15 4 7

Me neither. 

I don't see "real time update" by using theme serve command.  

1 0 0

Same shit

1 0 1


Were you able to find any fix with this issue? Been experiencing this as well and haven't been able to find a solution yet

Shopify Partner
8 1 1

Same issue for me, the shopify theme serve function has not been working (showing changes locally) for over a week now. I have to make the changes "blind" and push the theme to check on the live shopify site.

2 0 0

Facing same Issue if you find solution let me know too thank you.