Shopify Domain I own cant be put back onto my shopify store Speak to a Human

Shopify Domain I own cant be put back onto my shopify store Speak to a Human

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Shopify for some reason is gatekeeping customer service and im talking to some robot asking me the same asinine question over and over. My store was deactivated by me and I went in to transfer the domain I purchased from Shopify to another shopify store and it says my domain is connected to another store........ I never ever transferred it and Im starting to assume Shopify has a command that removes your domain if your store is inactive and keeps the domain in some inaccessible ghost cache almost like a secret hidden store they manage. I spent $200 reactivating old stores to double check if it was connected to one of them and it isn't. I genuinely hope someone smarter than me finds out there's a scam going on like Honey PayPal. 

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