Re: Shopify Image/File URL view + URL Export?

Shopify Image/File URL view + URL Export?

Shopify Partner
30 1 2

Hi Folks,

I am working on a store that has up to 1700 individual product items. 

We've just uploaded these to Shopify files and ultimately what we need to do is export them to a CSV file. We've been following previous suggestions around using the chrome Plugin "Table Capture". 

Couple of issues though:

1. If you look at the screenshot attached below, the individual Shopify URL for each product image is no longer there in the view. This used to be a feature in Shopify. Can anyone advise how I can get this view back or is this no longer available?

2. We need the product image name + the image URL present so we can export to a spreadsheet using the Table Catcher plugin. Does anyone know if Shopify has another solution to this or how can we simply export the CDN URL details for each of these products? 


This client is currently on Magento so we need to migrate over products. We are going to need each product's image url on a CSV file. Please tell me this isn't a manual operation?! 



Screenshot 2024-10-16 at 13.58.00.png

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
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Hi @Cormac_Kerrigan For #1  for such things when there's not a UI option like "columns" they are not admin configurable.

If the info IS there in the html then userstyles/extensions can hypothetically be used, otherwise userscripts/browser-extensions to use the api to surface that data.


#2 Is there a X....

There is no bulk-editor, or CSV behavior for the files admin or specifically for file images.

Be sure to file a feature request directly with shopify support, or PLUS MSM if applicable about this  migration pain.


It's either A) for some small set of files use the theme system, or B) for lots of files the api be it with scripts, custom apps, or third party apps/services.


If you A) are familiar with shopify theme liquid and B) already know all the file names and can get them into a CSV list then make a liquid layout/template that spits out the files/urls formatted as a CSV string.

Using the filename and the file_url filter ,  or file_img_url filter if you want to try and crop/resize images 😉 

💣 ⚠️ Keep in mind the shopify files admin may modify file names in some situations such as for uniqueness.

Roughly and untested:


{% liquid
   # 💣 UNTESTED filenames may need be to be broken up into multiple runs to stay within theme/memeory limits.
   assign filenames = "filename1, filename2,..." | split
   for file in filenames 
    echo file | file_url
    unless forloop.last
     echo ','



For apps/services based ETL process of images for products, etc

  1. a dedicated image importing app 
  2. "spreadsheet"/data apps like matrixify, highview ez-exporter.
  3. apps with integrations for excel ,google-sheets or airtable etc etc etc
  4. services such as or zapier etc etc etc with integrations for excel, google-sheets or airtable etc etc etc
  5. Or an automation app like mechanic to script custom ETL behavior. 

There is also the free shopify-flow automation app that has a google-sheets row integration but you would need to use the advanced send-admin-api-request action and figure out the scheduling/looping for LOTS of files.


🤿For the deep divers doing platform migrations there was  


If you need this type of automation built custom then contact me for services.
Contact info in forum signature.
ALWAYS please provide context, examples: store url, theme name, post url(s) , or any further detail in ALL correspondence.

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Shopify Partner
30 1 2

Thanks for your response. I was able to get around the issue by using the Table Catcher Chrome Plugin and with the assistance of the every helpul George, I was able to download the relevant URL for 1,922 product images. 🙂