shopify multiple metafield update at one api call

shopify multiple metafield update at one api call

2 0 0

I want to update multiple metafields of product which is shown at my web site at one api call.


Url : https://{...}:{...}@{...}{productID}/metafields.json 


const metafieldParam = {
metafield(s) : [
namespace : "Urls",
key : "image",
value : "",
type :
namespace : "Urls",
key : "video",
value : "",
type : "",

await fetch(url, {method : 'POST' , headers : {'Content-Type' : 'application/json', body:JSON.stringify(metafieldParam)})

but I get 400 bad request from shopify. 


If I send request by only one param ( ex : param = {metafield : { namespace : ... } } , It succeeds to update, but I want to update all metafields at one fetch call. Is this possible?


I tried these...

1. metafield(s) 

2. param = { product : { metafields : { .... }  }  },  

3. param = { product { id : product_id ,{ metafields : { .... }  }  } 

4. PUT

5. POST 

6. in url 2022-07


I appreciate your help !!!! 

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
91 3 3

It's not possible to update multiple metafields at once. You will need to make a separate API call for each metafield you want to update.

Shopify Partner
1 0 0



Is it possible to create multiple meta fields with the same key?


your help would be appreciated!!.