Show Currency (CAD / AUD / USD) on product page

Show Currency (CAD / AUD / USD) on product page

55 0 58

I have a currency selector so the user can change between currencies, the problem is: From experience AUD / CAD / NZL users often get confused because products display prices as $XX and it's not clear whether it's canadian or usd.


So, how do I display the abbreviated currency code on the product price? CAD / USD etc

Replies 6 (6)

44 12 13

Hi Paul. Walter here from microDev (Shopify Partner).


This is a great point and one that Shopify has actually made really easy to resolve! What you want to do is format your prices using a money filter to add the currently 3 letter code to the product pricing. To do this, you need need to add the filter “ | money_with_currency” to your product price liquid tags in your ‘product-template.liquid” file (and anywhere else you may need it). 


It should look like this when you done:

{{ product.price | money_with_currency }}

However, this could differ slightly depending on your theme.


If you would some support making this change to your theme or performing any other customisations, please feel free to send me an email at and we will see how we can help you with these!

2 0 0

I'm using Warehouse Theme and I can show the USD currency on product page. please help!

21 0 3

I am using theme Warehouse too. Did you succeed?

2 0 0

NO success so far. I want to show the USD next to my price on product page. Doesn't anyone know how?

Shopify Partner
186 0 59

I'm shocked this post is close to 3 years old, and nobody has posted a clear answer.


Start here:


Shopify Partner, software developer and designer.
13 0 3

HI MicroDev - I know this is an old thread, but I am facing the same issue - specifically for confusion around USD, AUD, CAD, and NZD. I have updated product.price to be money_with_currency throughout (and in fact, I have changed the default for money to show the 3 digit code). This works great for every currency in the list EXCEPT for AUD, CAD, and NZD. When I'm selecting USD, it dutifully shows USD just like it should. And, it works for Euro, Pounds, and a whole host of currencies I've never heard of. BUT, for AUD, CAD, and NZD, the three-letter code simply doesn't appear. It's only those three that I've discovered so far. It's as if Shopify hasn't entered the three-letter code for those three specific currencies.


Do you have any thoughts on that one? Thanks much!
