Discuss and resolve questions on Liquid, JavaScript, themes, sales channels, and site speed enhancements.
Hi I am on symmetry theme and I want to replace the word "Sale" to instead show the percentage off
Website is cartolinanantucket.com - attaching image, thank you!
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
Please replace this line of code.
<span class="product-price__item price-label price-label--sale">{{ 'products.labels.sale' | t }}</span>
With this code
{%- assign percent = cheapest_variant.compare_at_price | minus: cheapest_variant.price | times: 100 | divided_by: cheapest_variant.compare_at_price | round -%}
{{ percent }}% OFF
- Solved it? Hit Like and Accept solution! ❤️Buy Me Coffee❤️
- Reton: Loyalty & Rewards - Earn points through tasks, redeem for discounts, and enjoy exclusive VIP rewards!
- Ryviu - Reviews & QA app: Collect product reviews, import reviews from AliExpress, Amazon, Etsy, Walmart, Shopee, Dhgate and CSV.
- Lookfy Gallery: Lookbook Image: Easy and fast to create Photo Gallery, Lookbook, Shop The Look.
- Reelfy‑Shoppable Videos+Reels: Create shoppable videos to engage customers and drive more sales.
- Enjoy 1 month of Shopify for $1. Sign up now.
Hello @jn10 ,
Find the existing code location.
Remove/Comment existing code.
And use this one
{%- unless product.price_varies == false and product.compare_at_price_varies %}
<div class="cusm-bdg-percnt">
{%- assign percent = compare_at_price | minus: price | times: 100 | divided_by: compare_at_price | round -%}
{{ percent }}% off
{%- endunless -%}
Note: Make sure do necessary changes in the code a/to the theme you are using.
Hi - where would this be located? I am using symmetry theme
Hi @jn10
I hope you are well.
Please go to your theme and share with me the screenshot of this code part from your theme:
This code might be located in "price.liquid" file, "product.liquid" file, or "main-product.liquid" file. You can find it in any of 3 files I shared, we need the source code from the theme to customize it further.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you!
Daisy - Avada Support Team.
Hi @jn10
I'm not sure if you received my message.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you!
Daisy - Avada Support Team.
Hi @jn10
Could you share your product-block.liquid file of your theme so I can check and give you the code?
- Solved it? Hit Like and Accept solution! ❤️Buy Me Coffee❤️
- Reton: Loyalty & Rewards - Earn points through tasks, redeem for discounts, and enjoy exclusive VIP rewards!
- Ryviu - Reviews & QA app: Collect product reviews, import reviews from AliExpress, Amazon, Etsy, Walmart, Shopee, Dhgate and CSV.
- Lookfy Gallery: Lookbook Image: Easy and fast to create Photo Gallery, Lookbook, Shop The Look.
- Reelfy‑Shoppable Videos+Reels: Create shoppable videos to engage customers and drive more sales.
- Enjoy 1 month of Shopify for $1. Sign up now.
Hi Dan - here you go:
{%- liquid
if collection and settings.prod_thumb_url_within_coll
assign product_url = product.url | within: collection
assign product_url = product.url
assign product_images = product.media | where: 'media_type', 'image'
if settings.prod_thumb_hover_image and product_images.size > 1
assign show_hover_image = true
assign show_hover_image = false
assign cheapest_variant = product.variants | sort: 'price' | first
<div data-product-id="{{ product.id }}" class="product-block" {% if animate %}data-cc-animate{% endif %}>
<div class="block-inner">
<div class="block-inner-inner">
{% if product.featured_media %}
{%- liquid
assign aspect_ratios_same = true
for media in product.media offset: 1
if media.preview_image.aspect_ratio != product.media.first.preview_image.aspect_ratio
assign aspect_ratios_same = false
<div class="image-cont {% if show_hover_image %}image-cont--with-secondary-image {% if aspect_ratios_same %}image-cont--same-aspect-ratio{% endif %}{% endif %}">
<a class="product-link{% if settings.quickbuy_style == 'whole' %} quickbuy-toggle{% endif %}" href="{{ product_url }}" aria-label="{{ product.title | escape }}" tabindex="-1">
<div class="image-label-wrap">
{%- if show_hover_image -%}
<div class="product-block__image product-block__image--primary{% if product.featured_media.id == product.media.first.id %}{% assign active_media_found = true %} product-block__image--active{% endif %}{% if product_images.last.id == product.featured_media.id %} product-block__image--show-on-hover{% endif %}" data-media-id="{{ product.media.first.id }}">
{%- render 'responsive-image', image: product.media.first.preview_image, manual_image_load: manual_image_load, min_aspect_ratio: 0.6, aspect_ratio: custom_aspect_ratio, no_max_width: true, cover: settings.prod_thumb_crop -%}
{%- for media in product_images offset: 1 -%}
{%- liquid
assign image_state_class = ''
if media.id == product.featured_media.id
assign active_media_found = true
assign image_state_class = 'product-block__image--active'
if active_media_found
assign active_media_found = false
assign image_state_class = 'product-block__image--show-on-hover product-block__image--inactivated'
assign image_state_class = 'product-block__image--inactivated'
<div class="product-block__image product-block__image--secondary rimage-wrapper lazyload--placeholder {{ image_state_class }}"
data-media-id="{{ media.id }}"
data-image-index="{{ forloop.index }}">
<div class="lazyload--manual rimage-background fade-in{% if settings.prod_thumb_crop %} cover{% endif %}"
data-lazy-bgset-src="{{ media.preview_image | img_url: 'master' }}"
data-lazy-bgset-aspect-ratio="{{ media.preview_image.aspect_ratio }}"
data-lazy-bgset-width="{{ media.preview_image.width }}"
data-parent-fit="{% if settings.prod_thumb_crop %}cover{% else %}contain{% endif %}"></div>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<div class="product-block__image product-block__image--primary product-block__image--active" data-media-id="{{ product.featured_media.id }}">
{%- render 'responsive-image', image: product.featured_media.preview_image, manual_image_load: manual_image_load, min_aspect_ratio: 0.6, aspect_ratio: custom_aspect_ratio, no_max_width: true, cover: settings.prod_thumb_crop -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if show_hover_image -%}
{%- unless no_swiping -%}
<div class="product-block__image-dots" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="product-block__image-dot product-block__image-dot--active"></div><div class="product-block__image-dot"></div>
{%- if product_images.size > 2 -%}
<div class="product-block__image-dot product-block__image-dot--more"></div>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% render 'product-label', product: product, cheapest_variant: cheapest_variant %}
{%- if show_hover_image -%}
<a class="image-page-button image-page-button--previous ltr-icon" href="#" aria-label="{{ 'general.accessibility_labels.previous' | t | escape }}" tabindex="-1">{%- render 'svg-chevron-left', stroke_width: 1.3 -%}</a>
<a class="image-page-button image-page-button--next ltr-icon" href="#" aria-label="{{ 'general.accessibility_labels.previous' | t | escape }}" tabindex="-1">{%- render 'svg-chevron-right', stroke_width: 1.3 -%}</a>
{%- endif -%}
{% if settings.quickbuy_style == 'button' %}
{% unless no_quick_buy %}
<a class="btn btn--secondary quickbuy-toggle" href="{{ product_url }}">{{ 'products.quick_buy.launch' | t }}</a>
{% endunless %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<div class="image-cont">
<div class="placeholder-image">{{ 'product-1' | placeholder_svg_tag }}</div>
{% endif %}
<div class="product-info">
<div class="inner">
<div class="innerer">
<a class="product-link{% if settings.quickbuy_style == 'whole' %} quickbuy-toggle{% endif %}" href="{{ product_url }}">
{%- if section.settings.show_vendor -%}
<div class="vendor">{{ product.vendor }}</div>
{%- endif -%}
<div class="product-block__title">
{%- if product.metafields.accentuate.display_name -%}
{{ product.metafields.accentuate.display_name }}
{%- else -%}
{{ product.title }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if product.metafields.accentuate.display_name and product.metafields.accentuate.current_color_name -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">in {{ product.metafields.accentuate.current_color_name }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.prod_thumb_show_subtitle and product.metafields.descriptors.subtitle != blank -%}
<div class="product-block__subtitle">{{ product.metafields.descriptors.subtitle }}</div>
{%- endif -%}
<div class="product-price">
{% if product.price_varies %}
<span class="product-price__item product-price__from">{{ 'products.listing.from' | t }}</span>
{% endif %}
<span class="product-price__item product-price__amount {% if cheapest_variant.compare_at_price > cheapest_variant.price %}product-price__amount--on-sale{% endif %} theme-money">
{%- if settings.product_currency_code_enabled -%}
{{ cheapest_variant.price | money_with_currency }}
{%- else -%}
{{ cheapest_variant.price | money }}
{%- endif -%}
{% if cheapest_variant.compare_at_price > cheapest_variant.price %}
<span class="product-price__item product-price__compare theme-money">{{ cheapest_variant.compare_at_price | money }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if settings.prod_sold_out_show and product.available == false %}
<span class="product-price__item price-label price-label--sold-out">{{ 'products.labels.sold_out' | t }}</span>
{% elsif settings.prod_pre_order_label_show and product.template_suffix contains 'preorder' %}
<span class="product-price__item price-label price-label--preorder">{{ 'products.product.preorder' | t }}</span>
{% elsif settings.prod_sale_show and cheapest_variant.compare_at_price > cheapest_variant.price %}
<span class="product-price__item price-label price-label--sale">{{ 'products.labels.sale' | t }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% render 'unit-price', variant: cheapest_variant %}
{%- if settings.prod_thumb_show_options -%}
{%- liquid
assign option_limit = 3
assign options_to_show = settings.swatch_option_name | append: ',' | append: settings.prod_thumb_options_names | replace: ', ', ',' | split: ','
{%- for product_option in product.options_with_values -%}
{%- if options_to_show contains product_option.name -%}
{%- liquid
if settings.swatch_enabled and settings.swatch_option_name contains product_option.name
assign is_swatch = true
assign is_swatch = false
<div class="product-block-options{% if is_swatch %} product-block-options--swatch{% endif %}" data-option-name="{{ product_option.name | escape }}">
<div class="product-block-options__inner">
{%- if product.options.size == 1 -%}
{%- for variant in product.variants -%}
{%- liquid
if is_swatch and settings.swatch_method == 'image' and variant.featured_media == blank
<span class="product-block-options__item{% unless settings.prod_thumb_options_disable_unavailable == false or variant.available %} product-block-options__item--unavailable{% endunless %}{% if forloop.index > option_limit and is_swatch %} product-block-options__item--truncated{% endif %}{% if is_swatch %} lazyload{% if manual_image_load %}--manual{% endif %}{% endif %}"
data-option-item="{{ variant.title | escape }}"
{% if variant.featured_media %}data-media="{{ variant.featured_media.id }}"{% endif %}
{% if is_swatch -%}
{%- if settings.swatch_method == 'standard' -%}
data-swatch="{{ variant.title | replace: '"', '' | downcase }}"
{%- elsif settings.swatch_method == 'image' and variant.featured_media.preview_image -%}
data-bgset="{{ variant.featured_media.preview_image | img_url: '48x48', crop: settings.swatch_crop_align }}"
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif %}><span class="product-block-options__item__text">{{ variant.title }}</span></span>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if product.variants.size > option_limit and is_swatch -%}
{%- assign remaining = product.variants.size | minus: option_limit -%}
<span class="product-block-options__more-label">{{ 'collections.general.more_swatches' | t: count: remaining }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- assign product_option_position_0index = product_option.position | minus: 1 -%}
{%- for product_option_value in product_option.values -%}
{%- liquid
assign option_value_variant = false
for variant in product.variants
if variant.options[product_option_position_0index] == product_option_value
assign option_value_variant = variant
if settings.prod_thumb_options_disable_unavailable
assign is_unavailable = true
for variant in product.variants
if variant.available and variant.options[product_option_position_0index] == product_option_value
assign is_unavailable = false
assign is_unavailable = false
if is_swatch and settings.swatch_method == 'image' and option_value_variant.featured_media == blank
<span class="product-block-options__item{% if is_unavailable %} product-block-options__item--unavailable{% endif %}{% if forloop.index > option_limit and is_swatch %} product-block-options__item--truncated{% endif %}{% if is_swatch %} lazyload{% if manual_image_load %}--manual{% endif %}{% endif %}"
data-option-item="{{ product_option_value | escape }}"
{% if option_value_variant.featured_media %}data-media="{{ option_value_variant.featured_media.id }}"{% endif %}
{% if is_swatch %}
{%- if settings.swatch_method == 'standard' -%}
data-swatch="{{ product_option_value | replace: '"', '' | downcase }}"
{%- elsif settings.swatch_method == 'image' and option_value_variant.featured_media -%}
data-bgset="{{ option_value_variant.featured_media.preview_image | img_url: '48x48', crop: settings.swatch_crop_align }}"
{%- endif -%}
{% endif %}><span class="product-block-options__item__text">{{ product_option_value }}</span></span>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if product_option.values.size > option_limit and is_swatch -%}
{%- assign remaining = product_option.values.size | minus: option_limit -%}
<span class="product-block-options__more-label">{{ 'collections.general.more_swatches' | t: count: remaining }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.enable_product_reviews_collection and product.metafields.reviews.rating_count != blank -%}
{%- assign rating_count = product.metafields.reviews.rating_count | plus: 0 -%}
{%- if rating_count > 0 -%}
<div class="product-block__rating">
{% render 'rating', rating_value: product.metafields.reviews.rating.value %}
<span class="cc-rating-custom-caption">
{{ rating_count }} {{ 'products.product.reviews_link' | t: count: rating_count | downcase }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.quickbuy_style != 'off' -%}
{%- unless no_quick_buy_markup or no_quick_buy -%}
<div class="quickbuy-container">
<a href="#" class="close-detail" aria-label="{{ 'products.quick_buy.close' | t }}" tabindex="-1">{% render 'svg-x' %}</a>
<div class="inner"></div>
{%- endunless -%}
{%- endif -%}
This is an accepted solution.
Please replace this line of code.
<span class="product-price__item price-label price-label--sale">{{ 'products.labels.sale' | t }}</span>
With this code
{%- assign percent = cheapest_variant.compare_at_price | minus: cheapest_variant.price | times: 100 | divided_by: cheapest_variant.compare_at_price | round -%}
{{ percent }}% OFF
- Solved it? Hit Like and Accept solution! ❤️Buy Me Coffee❤️
- Reton: Loyalty & Rewards - Earn points through tasks, redeem for discounts, and enjoy exclusive VIP rewards!
- Ryviu - Reviews & QA app: Collect product reviews, import reviews from AliExpress, Amazon, Etsy, Walmart, Shopee, Dhgate and CSV.
- Lookfy Gallery: Lookbook Image: Easy and fast to create Photo Gallery, Lookbook, Shop The Look.
- Reelfy‑Shoppable Videos+Reels: Create shoppable videos to engage customers and drive more sales.
- Enjoy 1 month of Shopify for $1. Sign up now.
Thank you Dan!
Happy I could help!
Best regards,
Dan from Ryviu
- Solved it? Hit Like and Accept solution! ❤️Buy Me Coffee❤️
- Reton: Loyalty & Rewards - Earn points through tasks, redeem for discounts, and enjoy exclusive VIP rewards!
- Ryviu - Reviews & QA app: Collect product reviews, import reviews from AliExpress, Amazon, Etsy, Walmart, Shopee, Dhgate and CSV.
- Lookfy Gallery: Lookbook Image: Easy and fast to create Photo Gallery, Lookbook, Shop The Look.
- Reelfy‑Shoppable Videos+Reels: Create shoppable videos to engage customers and drive more sales.
- Enjoy 1 month of Shopify for $1. Sign up now.
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