Slideshow Button Size increase

Slideshow Button Size increase

13 0 1

Hi, i want to increase the size of the slideshow-Buttons only for the Desktop version. Can somebody help me, please? Refresh is the used theme.



PW: chaimp



Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 23.02.58.png

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
101 32 34

Hey @Mobra47 

Follow these Steps:

1) Go to Online Store
2) Edit Code
3) Find base.css and add this at the bottom


.slider-counter__link--dots {
	width: 20px;
	height: 20px;


Change the value to one that suits you. The original height and width is 10.5px.

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Try our WhatsApp Chat Button Widget with multipe agents. Supachat: WhatsApp Chat Button

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13 0 1


sorry for the misunderstanding but i want to change the button with the link on the image, not the dots under the images. sorry 


Shopify Partner
101 32 34

Hey @Mobra47 ,

No worries mate. It's a funny mistake on my end. Here's the corrected code:)


.slideshow__controls .slider-button svg.icon {
	height: 16px;



Screenshot 2024-07-25 180639.png

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Try our WhatsApp Chat Button Widget with multipe agents. Supachat: WhatsApp Chat Button

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