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Something blocking loading / speed tests - Help

Something blocking loading / speed tests - Help

175 0 58

Hello guys,


Unfortunately, the new theme we’ve just finished is having difficulties with loading/speed testing. We have reached out to a Shopify Expert for speed improvement but unfortunately, they can't even get speed tests on our theme to benchmark any improvements, they think maybe something is blocking our theme from loading or something.


We’ve tried to start benchmarking and begin optimisations on the theme named “BLOCKSHOP 2.0 - FINAL VERSION”: https://svaqqg3ppofuxohu-22594233.shopifypreview.com 


Currently, we are unable to get a valid page speed test from Google or one from a Shopify Speed Analyser. I've attached screenshots of this, it either times out due something blocking it or gets an error. 


There must be something that prevents Google Pagespeed Insights / Lighthouse from getting speed results. 


I have reached out to all the apps installed on our new theme but they all say it's impossible for it to be anything to do with them and advise they can't do anything so I'm really stuck. 


It would be so so helpful if someone could take a look to see what could be causing this.


Many thanks,

George Greenhill


Screen Shot 2565-09-15 at 10.51.53.pngScreen Shot 2565-09-15 at 10.50.27.png



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
301 9 65

@George_Greenhil  this issue due to the shopify password protected your store front you can disbale when you testing it. or  you can test with live store you will not get any Error.