Stop prices from showing in Google results for store products from a specific vendor

Stop prices from showing in Google results for store products from a specific vendor

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On our online store, we have a vendor that prohibits us from advertising prices for their products on Google.
We have tried to hide the prices on the store and product pages for users that are not logged-in, and that works, but the prices still show up in google. This is confirmed by entering the product page url into , where we can see the price listed.
Since the rendered page does not display the price info when not logged-in, the only clue I have to where the price value is coming from is when I 'view source' on the product page, I can see there is a script tag:
<script id="web-pixels-manager-setup">
whose content contains information on the product, including price.:

<script id="web-pixels-manager-setup"> (...) "productVariants":[{"price":{"amount":270.0,"currencyCode":"CAD"} </script> <script>window['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = 'ga';

Is there anything I can do, in admin or site code, to prevent the price from reaching google results?

p.s. I only want/need to block some of the products from showing up with prices, ideally. I have given those products a specific tag, so the ideal solution would only be applied to products with the specific tag.


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
7721 678 1619

Hi @essentialair 👋

It's an advanced customization  that varies wildly among theme if you need to not render specific parts of schema JSON-LD, or other parts of a theme.


If you recently made changes keep in mind it may take awhile for search-results to update until the next re-indexing.

If by "google results" you actually mean google-shopping that requires removing the product from that services feeds.

If you don't want these products to be indexed at all use the SEO metafield 


If you need this customization then contact me by my email for services, or if you have access private message by clicking here (sloooower).
Contact info in forum signature.
ALWAYS please provide context, examples: store url, theme name, post url(s) , or any further detail in ALL correspondence.


Good Hunting.

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