Strange Characters (â€, â--) Appear in Highcharts and Stigg Components After Upgrading to Polaris 12

Strange Characters (â€, â--) Appear in Highcharts and Stigg Components After Upgrading to Polaris 12

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I recently upgraded from Polaris 11 to Polaris 12 in my project. After the upgrade, I'm encountering strange character rendering issues across multiple components:

  1. Highcharts (v11.1.0):

    • X-axis category labels display characters like â€.
    • Tooltips render unexpected symbols like â--.
  2. Stigg React SDK (v4.8.0):

    • Text within the component, such as months, displays as months/â€.
    • ‏ in Polaris 11 is misinterpreted as ‎ in Polaris 12

This issue was not present with Polaris 11. It seems to be related to character encoding or text rendering changes introduced in Polaris 12. I've already verified the data being passed to Highcharts and Stigg components, and it does not include these characters.


Screenshot from 2025-01-04 17-15-59.pngScreenshot from 2025-01-04 17-15-44.png Screenshot from 2025-01-04 12-53-05.png

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