Re: Studio Theme - Need help hiding collections from list using True/False metafield


Studio Theme - Need help hiding collections from list using True/False metafield

3 0 1

I'm looking for advice on how to hide multiple collections from the All Collections List, using a True/False metafield at the collection level.


I'm hoping there is a way to utilize the metafield so that when it is FALSE, the collection is not hidden; but can only be accessed through a URL link if set to TRUE (metafield key is custom.hide_collection_from_storefront ).

Accepted Solution (1)

473 57 78

This is an accepted solution.


1. Go to 'Online Store' -> Themes 

2. From your Active Theme -> Click on the 3 dots (...) -> Edit Code

3. In the Sections Folder locate the file called 'main-list-collections.liquid' or something similar

4. Find the below for loop

{%- for collection in collections -%}
    class="collection-list__item grid__item{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}"
    {% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %}
      style="--animation-order: {{ forloop.index }};"
    {% endif %}
    {% render 'card-collection',
      card_collection: collection,
      media_aspect_ratio: section.settings.image_ratio,
      columns: 3
{%- endfor -%}

5. Surround everything inside the for loop with this:

{%- for collection in collections -%}
  {% if collection.metafields.custom.hide_collection_from_storefront.value == false %}
    class="collection-list__item grid__item{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}"
    {% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %}
      style="--animation-order: {{ forloop.index }};"
    {% endif %}
    {% render 'card-collection',
      card_collection: collection,
      media_aspect_ratio: section.settings.image_ratio,
      columns: 3
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}

Hope this helps

View solution in original post

Replies 2 (2)

473 57 78

This is an accepted solution.


1. Go to 'Online Store' -> Themes 

2. From your Active Theme -> Click on the 3 dots (...) -> Edit Code

3. In the Sections Folder locate the file called 'main-list-collections.liquid' or something similar

4. Find the below for loop

{%- for collection in collections -%}
    class="collection-list__item grid__item{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}"
    {% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %}
      style="--animation-order: {{ forloop.index }};"
    {% endif %}
    {% render 'card-collection',
      card_collection: collection,
      media_aspect_ratio: section.settings.image_ratio,
      columns: 3
{%- endfor -%}

5. Surround everything inside the for loop with this:

{%- for collection in collections -%}
  {% if collection.metafields.custom.hide_collection_from_storefront.value == false %}
    class="collection-list__item grid__item{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}"
    {% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %}
      style="--animation-order: {{ forloop.index }};"
    {% endif %}
    {% render 'card-collection',
      card_collection: collection,
      media_aspect_ratio: section.settings.image_ratio,
      columns: 3
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}

Hope this helps

3 0 1

Oh my gosh thank you so much!! I've been trying to figure this out ALL day. What you suggested worked immediately and your explanation was basically foolproof.