Test GraphQL subscriptionBillingAttemptCreate mutation on development store

Shopify Partner
4 0 1

I'm working on subscriptions API on a development store created with the partner dashboard. These type of stores allow only test payment methods and if you try to process a real payment method, then the store's checkout will be blocked.

The problem comes in when you try to renew a subscription trough the subscriptionBillingAttemptCreate: according to the linked example call, this mutation should have a test parameter inside subscriptionBillingAttemptInput that indicates whether to execute the payment in test mode (in order to avoid the checkout block). That seems to not be true: if you check the SubscriptionBillingAttemptInput GraphQL documentation you will find out that the test parameter doesn't exists and if you try to include it in your API call, you will receive this error message:



"message": "InputObject 'SubscriptionBillingAttemptInput' doesn't accept argument 'test'"



Does anyone know how to test subscriptions API on a development store without incurring in this problem?

Thank you!!


Schermata 2022-03-09 alle 11.54.04.png



Schermata 2022-03-09 alle 11.53.53.png

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
3 0 1

Were you ever able to solve this?


Shopify Partner
9 0 3

This is still an issue for me and it would be great if this was resolved. What I have done is I thoroughly check everything on my checkout, then I thoroughly check all my API calls, since I can continuously do API calls even though my checkout is locked.

Then I just reach out to support to unlock it again.

Shopify Partner
4 0 1

Yes, it was resolved. When you get in touch with the support, ask for the order that locked your checkout and the reason, then you should be able to resolve.

The "test" parameter appears not to exist, despite being documented. However, to date it does not appear to be necessary to renew test contracts. The important thing is to have Shopify Payments in "test" mode (done from the shop's control panel) and use test credit cards