Testimonial form + testimonials on dawn theme

Testimonial form + testimonials on dawn theme

14 0 2

Guys, you would not believe how frustrated I am with testimonial page and the lack of easy solutions to this topic on Dawn theme. 


I would need really simple and easy form for customers, which they could use for writing feedback/testimonials and also below that form there would be the actual testimonies (for example https://www.erikafashion.cz/hodnoceni-obchodu/)... I have spent hours of searching for apps, videos, topics discussed here but everywhere is a problem (its only product review, or its paid because it has much more than I need, or the design looks too overcomplicated and not simple at all...) 


Do you please have any ideas/recommendations for free testimonial forms + testimonies that I could just put on a page in my eshop? Otherwise im just throwing my laptop out of window...



Replies 2 (2)

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Hey Vari,


To my knowledge, all of the free 'reviews' apps are specifically for products. 


The best solution I know of is the Judge.Me app's paid version ($15/month), which allows for an "All Reviews" page, which supports "Shop Reviews" (in addition to individual product reviews). 


Link to app: https://apps.shopify.com/judgeme

Example: https://judge-me-demo-store.myshopify.com/pages/review-page 


Otherwise, the only other solution would be to use a free reviews app and then make a product called "reviews", and then create a custom product page template (https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/online-store/themes/theme-structure/templates) for it, where all of the product-related stuff is hidden. 


Hope the above helps point you in the right direction! 🙂






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14 0 2

Thank you very much Stephen for your reply! 

In next few days Im gonna try the other solution with "fake" product page and see if it works for me or not...i will let you (and other potential viewers) know! thank you!