Thank You Page/ Reserved Page After successful Checkout

Thank You Page/ Reserved Page After successful Checkout

Shopify Partner
1 0 1


I'm wondering if I can use a custom thank you page/ Reserved page. Here is the page I already created it's a subpage right now.  


I want to display this page, when someone place the order, instead of default page


Is it possible? 

If yes, how can we do that? and where is the file to change the code?


Thank you for helping





Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
1398 173 363

Hey Tanjirul,


I don't believe it's possible to completely replace that entire page, but you can add/customize some of the content on it. 


One of the easiest ways to do this is through an app, such as this one:


Here are the apps available to customize 'thank you' pages:


Otherwise, you're looking at custom coding to add some additional content to the 'thank you' page. This is the official help doc for that:




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