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Re: The H1 on the Homepage is an image ("H1 tags includes non-text content, such as a link or i

The H1 on the Homepage is an image ("H1 tags includes non-text content, such as a link or image")

2 0 0


I have a problem concerning the H1 on my Homepage.

After running a SEO app, it tells me this :

"Critical issues found." : "One or more of your H1 tags includes non-text content, such as a link or image."

My homepage is here : https://mana-words.com/


I did set the Preferences on my store, I put text in the Title and the meta description.
But it doesn't seem to work.

Instead, the H1 on my homepage is an image (my logo). Here is the code on my homepage :

div class="header__logo align-items-center d-none d-lg-flex mr-lg-25" style="width: 114px;"><h1 class="logo h6 w-100 m-0 text-hide"><a href="/" itemprop="url" class="d-block text-hide">
  <div class="rimage" style="padding-top:100.0%;"><img class="rimage__img lazyload"
  data-srcset="//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0522/8593/1716/files/logo-new_228x.png?v=1615543062 1x, //cdn.shopify.co..."
  alt="Mana Words">

So my H1 is my logo.... 😞

How do I change that ?


If anyone can help, that whould be really awesome ! Thank you !



Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
6 2 2

Hi there.

You need not worry about this issue as it is not critical.  If you would still like to follow the apps response, then might I suggest changing the h1 tag in the header to div and using an h1 tag in first section instead.  Though this isn't necessary.

I do hope this helps you.

If you found this answer helped with your question,  kindly mark it as a solution.

Kind regards.

Blend Commerce.




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Hi Cole,

Thanks for your reply.

I will take your advice ! But I'm not sure I know how. Would you mind telling me how I can change the h1 tag in the header to div ?

Do we have access to that ? 

Thanks again,



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This is completely wrong. Ignore Coles bad advice.