There is no shipping address returned from orders API

There is no shipping address returned from orders API

Shopify Partner
5 0 2



When I send a GET request to retrieve all orders (, I successfully get the response, but in the shipping_address field, only province, country, company, country_code, province_code have been returned, without shipping address details like address1. 


Does anyone know why is this happening? Thanks.

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
6 0 4

When I'm sending a request from 2022-04 api it's returning shipping_address information but when I'm sending a request from 2022-10 shipping_address doesn't have customer information.

They probably made a new endpoint for customer address and info

Shopify Partner
6 0 4

Reason it was not going through was Shopify new customer policy. You need to request customer data from shopify app dashboard.

Shopify Partner
14 0 0

Hi Mwaqas
I am facing similar issues.
Can you please tell me how to fetch the orders from shopify app dashboard.

8 0 0

Can you recommend any free app that will let me do this through API calls?