Re: Two blocks side by side like 2 columns in a row

Two blocks side by side like 2 columns in a row

Shopify Partner
6 0 0



My product page looks like in the image below. 

The thing is that I want to move the "gid marimi" on the same line with  "marime"


"Marime" is defined in the code as "variant_picker" and "ghid marimi" as perks.


Below the image I pasted the code from my product.liquid file. 


How can I do this?


I leave below the product-page.liquid code sample where the you can see the varinat_picker block and the perks block and alos the site url and password



password: demopass21


Thanks in advance!



Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 23.54.52 (1).png


{%- when 'variant_picker' -%}
   {% unless has_product_combo %}
      <div class="productView-moreItem productView-moreItem-product-variant{% if settings.banner_animation == 'effect_fade_up' %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}" style=" --spacing-top: {{ spacing_top | append: 'px' }}; --spacing-bottom: {{ spacing_bottom | append: 'px' }}"
        {% render 'product-variant',
            block: block,
            product: product,
            variantCount: variantCount,
            current_variant: current_variant,
            picker_type: picker_type,
            show_variant_image_group: show_variant_image_group
    {% endunless %}
   {%- when 'customization_property' -%}
      {% if has_customization_option == true %}
    <div class="productView-moreItem{% if settings.banner_animation == 'effect_fade_up' %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}" style=" --spacing-top: {{ spacing_top | append: 'px' }}; --spacing-bottom: {{ spacing_bottom | append: 'px' }} "
       {% render 'product-customization',
        block: block,
        product: product,
        customization_option_1: customization_option_1,
        customization_option_2: customization_option_2,
        customization_option_hidden: customization_option_hidden
   {% endif %}
      {%- when 'hot_stock' -%}
         {% unless has_product_combo %}
            {% render 'product-hot-stock',
             block: block,
             product: product,
             variantCount: variantCount,
             show_hot_stock: show_hot_stock,
             productMaxStock: productMaxStock,
             current_variant: current_variant
         {% endunless %}
      {%- when 'perks' -%}
        <div class="productView-moreItems-perks">
          {% unless has_product_combo %}
            <div class="productView-moreItem{% if settings.banner_animation == 'effect_fade_up' %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}" style=" --spacing-top: {{ spacing_top | append: 'px' }}; --spacing-bottom: {{ spacing_bottom | append: 'px' }}"
               {% render 'product-perks',
                product: product,
                show_size_chart: show_size_chart,
                has_size_chart: has_size_chart,
                show_compare_color: show_compare_color,
                isColor: isColor,
                compare_layout: compare_layout
          {% endunless %}


Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
187 16 16

Hello @stefanpandele 

You can add perks code in the variant-option file not add in variant-picker file 

If you require further help to optimize your store, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

This contribution will always benefit you and you will get my full help easily and you can contact me easily.

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Shopify Partner
6 0 0


I do not have any variant-option file 

Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 22.44.21.png



Shopify Partner
187 16 16

then open product variant and search this tag legend and then perks add after legend tag close

If you require further help to optimize your store, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

This contribution will always benefit you and you will get my full help easily and you can contact me easily.

Your Willpower Contribution Link:-


Contact On My Mail
Shopify Partner
6 0 0

Let me show you how I managed to do it. 


I have experience with other frameworks and with my solution I feel like I'm scratching my left ear with my right hand and I don't know if I did right. 


well.. let's begin

1. in the product-page.liquid, I moved the data passed to the product-perks snippet, to product-variant snipet because later I will move the perks code after the ending legend tag and must have it's data to work with. After that I removed the when 'perks' branch because I no longer need it there.

see below image:


Screenshot 2024-07-20 at 23.45.20.png

2. in the product-variant.liquid I put the 'perks' code that I have removed from the product-page.liquid just after the ending legend tag. 

I wrapped both of them in a container to be able to align both of them (legend and perks)


What do you think? I know it is functional but I do not know if it the best practice. It feels a little weird to process the data that perks needs one level above. 


Let me know what you think. 

