Unable to get custom shipping profile details in /orders/create webhook when user checkout

Unable to get custom shipping profile details in /orders/create webhook when user checkout

Shopify Partner
5 0 5

We have created 2 shipping profiles in our app. One is the general profile, where we have weight-based shipping rates. Another is using a custom carrier with a third-party service to calculate an accurate shipping rate.

Now, whenever users checkout with products in the same category, they get the proper shipping price. You can check out the image below.

  • Custom profile with third-party rate provider



  • General profile with a weight-based rate provider:Untitled (1).png


  • But when users try to checkout with products from multiple shipping profiles, it only shows the shipping price provided by a third party.

Untitled (2).png


The user is able to complete the transaction. We have also created one webhook for /orders/create to get "eventData" and create an “uShip listing” afterwards.

We are facing problems when users checkout products from multiple shipping profiles. We only get one element in the “shipping_lines” array property with the general shipping option. Below, I have mentioned the response type:

  • shipping_lines property:
    1. When users checkout with multiple products from multiple shipping profiles:


"source": "Shopify",
"title": "Shipping",
"code": "Shipping", 




  • When users checkout products from only custom shipping profiles:


  "source": "uShip Rate Provider", 
  "title": "uShip In-Home Delivery",
  "code": "cac1d609-f428-440e-99f1-8d6ced44a36a", 


(code is required to create a "uShip shipment" listing.)


How can I get 2 elements with different shipping rates and profiles in my “shipping_lines” array (in /orders/create web-hook) so that I can handle them separately and create a third-party listing for custom profile products only? Is it possible with Shopify or not?

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