Variant prices not updating when clicking on them - Debut Theme and Shogun

Variant prices not updating when clicking on them - Debut Theme and Shogun

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The price isn't updating when selecting different product variants. It will be correct in cart, but not when viewing the page.


A few notes

  • Site is built with Shogun, but on the Debut theme
  • Site uses ReCharge
  • Site uses Globo Color Swatch


The 10 Serving is supposed to show $34, Sample Size $5. If I link to the product page, you'll see the problem when clicking on different sizes. The price doesn't update. 


But if I DIRECTLY link to the variant ($5 Serving size link below), the price shows correctly, but if you click the buttons, it defaults to the 20 servings and doesn't update again. 


Please help!

Reply 1 (1)

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Update: Globo Color Swatch appears to be the culprit. When it's turned off, it works correctly.