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I want to hide the empty collection in my navigation but have them become visible again when they get a product. Im using a 2.0 theme Prestige version 8.3.0. I've looked in the discussions, and nothing looks anything like mine as far as code goes, so Im pretty lost. I do feel comfortable finding areas and copy/pasting in code. I know a tad about it but I can't write it myself. Help please! 😄 Here is my Header code:
{%- comment -%} In Prestige, the header is quite complex due to the very high number of possible combinations. If you have to edit it, please make sure to duplicate the theme first so you can revert your changes in case any issue is introduced. {%- endcomment -%} {%- comment -%} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USEFUL VARIABLES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {%- endcomment -%} {%- assign use_transparent_header = false -%} {%- if template == 'index' and section.settings.enable_transparent_header -%} {%- assign use_transparent_header = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if template.name == 'collection' and section.settings.enable_transparent_header_collection and collection.image and collection.all_products_count > 0 and collection.template_suffix != 'no-image' -%} {%- assign use_transparent_header = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if section.settings.navigation_style != 'sidebar' -%} {%- assign use_sidebar_menu = false -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign use_sidebar_menu = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- comment -%} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENCY AND LANGUAGE SELECTORS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {%- endcomment -%} {%- if section.settings.show_country_selector and localization.available_countries.size > 1 -%} {%- assign country_selector = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if section.settings.show_locale_selector and localization.available_languages.size > 1 -%} {%- assign locale_selector = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if locale_selector or country_selector -%} {%- capture localization_form -%} {%- form 'localization', id: 'localization_form_header', class: 'Header__LocalizationForm hidden-pocket hidden-lap' -%} <div class="HorizontalList HorizontalList--spacingLoose"> {%- if country_selector -%} <div class="HorizontalList__Item"> <input type="hidden" name="country_code" value="{{ localization.country.iso_code }}"> <span class="u-visually-hidden">{{ 'header.general.country' | t }}</span> <button type="button" class="SelectButton Link Link--primary u-h8" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="header-currency-popover"> {{- localization.country.name }} ({{ localization.country.currency.iso_code }} {% if localization.country.currency.symbol %}{{ localization.country.currency.symbol }}{%- endif -%}) {%- render 'icon', icon: 'select-arrow' -%} </button> <div id="header-currency-popover" class="Popover Popover--small Popover--noWrap" aria-hidden="true"> <header class="Popover__Header"> <button type="button" class="Popover__Close Icon-Wrapper--clickable" data-action="close-popover">{% render 'icon' with 'close' %}</button> <span class="Popover__Title Heading u-h4">{{ 'header.general.country' | t }}</span> </header> <div class="Popover__Content"> <div class="Popover__ValueList Popover__ValueList--center" data-scrollable> {%- for country in localization.available_countries -%} <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="Popover__Value {% if country.iso_code == localization.country.iso_code %}is-selected{% endif %} Heading Link Link--primary u-h6" value="{{ country.iso_code }}" {% if country.iso_code == localization.country.iso_code %}aria-current="true"{% endif %}> {{- country.name }} ({{ country.currency.iso_code }} {% if country.currency.symbol %}{{ country.currency.symbol }}{%- endif -%}) </button> {%- endfor -%} </div> </div> </div> </div> {%- endif -%} {%- if locale_selector -%} <div class="HorizontalList__Item"> <input type="hidden" name="locale_code" value="{{ localization.language.iso_code }}"> <span class="u-visually-hidden">{{ 'header.general.locale' | t }}</span> <button type="button" class="SelectButton Link Link--primary u-h8" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="header-locale-popover"> {{- localization.language.endonym_name | capitalize -}} {%- render 'icon', icon: 'select-arrow' -%} </button> <div id="header-locale-popover" class="Popover Popover--small Popover--noWrap" aria-hidden="true"> <header class="Popover__Header"> <button type="button" class="Popover__Close Icon-Wrapper--clickable" data-action="close-popover">{% render 'icon' with 'close' %}</button> <span class="Popover__Title Heading u-h4">{{ 'header.general.locale' | t }}</span> </header> <div class="Popover__Content"> <div class="Popover__ValueList Popover__ValueList--center" data-scrollable> {%- for language in localization.available_languages -%} <button type="submit" name="locale_code" class="Popover__Value {% if language.iso_code == localization.language.iso_code %}is-selected{% endif %} Heading Link Link--primary u-h6" value="{{ language.iso_code }}" {% if language.iso_code == localization.language.iso_code %}aria-current="true"{% endif %}> {{- language.endonym_name | capitalize -}} </button> {%- endfor -%} </div> </div> </div> </div> {%- endif -%} </div> {%- endform -%} {%- endcapture -%} {%- endif -%} {%- comment -%} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEARCH FORM (implemented as a modal) Implementation note: make sure that the Search div is always just before the Header element, as the CSS uses this assumption -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {%- endcomment -%} <div id="Search" class="Search" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="Search__Inner"> <div class="Search__SearchBar"> <form action="{{ routes.search_url }}" name="GET" role="search" class="Search__Form"> <div class="Search__InputIconWrapper"> <span class="hidden-tablet-and-up">{%- render 'icon' with 'search' -%}</span> <span class="hidden-phone">{%- render 'icon' with 'search-desktop' -%}</span> </div> <input type="search" class="Search__Input Heading" name="q" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" aria-label="{{ 'search.general.input_placeholder' | t }}" placeholder="{{ 'search.general.input_placeholder' | t }}" autofocus> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="product"> <input type="hidden" name="options[prefix]" value="last"> </form> <button class="Search__Close Link Link--primary" data-action="close-search" aria-label="{{ 'header.navigation.close_search' | t }}">{% render 'icon' with 'close' %}</button> </div> <div class="Search__Results" aria-hidden="true"> {%- if settings.search_mode != 'product' -%} <div class="PageLayout PageLayout--breakLap"> <div class="PageLayout__Section"></div> <div class="PageLayout__Section PageLayout__Section--secondary"></div> </div> {%- endif -%} </div> </div> </div> {%- comment -%} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEADER CONTENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {%- endcomment -%} {%- capture section_settings -%} { "navigationStyle": {{ section.settings.navigation_style | json }}, "hasTransparentHeader": {% if use_transparent_header %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}, "isSticky": {% if section.settings.use_sticky_header %}true{% else %}false{% endif %} } {%- endcapture -%} <header id="section-{{ section.id }}" class="Header Header--{{ section.settings.navigation_style }} {% if section.settings.navigation_style != 'inline' and section.settings.navigation_style != 'logoLeft' %}Header--initialized{% endif %} {% if use_transparent_header %}Header--transparent{% endif %} {% if section.settings.show_icons or section.settings.navigation_style == 'sidebar' %}Header--withIcons{% endif %}" data-section-id="{{ section.id }}" data-section-type="header" data-section-settings='{{ section_settings }}' role="banner"> <div class="Header__Wrapper"> <div class="Header__FlexItem Header__FlexItem--fill"> <button class="Header__Icon Icon-Wrapper Icon-Wrapper--clickable {% unless use_sidebar_menu %}hidden-desk{% endunless %}" aria-expanded="false" data-action="open-drawer" data-drawer-id="sidebar-menu" aria-label="{{ 'header.navigation.open_sidebar' | t }}"> <span class="hidden-tablet-and-up">{%- render 'icon' with 'nav' -%}</span> <span class="hidden-phone">{%- render 'icon' with 'nav-desktop' -%}</span> </button> {%- comment -%} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESKTOP NAVIGATION (if not using the sidebar mode) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {%- endcomment -%} {%- unless use_sidebar_menu -%} {%- assign main_menu_handle = section.settings.navigation_menu | default: 'main-menu' -%} {%- assign main_menu = linklists[main_menu_handle] -%} {%- assign mega_menu_names = '' -%} {%- for block in section.blocks -%} {%- if block.type == 'mega_menu' -%} {%- assign trim_mega_menu_name = block.settings.navigation_mega_menu | strip -%} {%- assign mega_menu_names = mega_menu_names | append: trim_mega_menu_name | append: ',' -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- assign mega_menu_names = mega_menu_names | downcase | split: ',' | compact -%} <nav class="Header__MainNav hidden-pocket hidden-lap" aria-label="{{ 'header.navigation.title' | t }}"> <ul class="HorizontalList HorizontalList--spacingExtraLoose"> {%- for link in main_menu.links -%} {%- assign downcased_link_title = link.title | downcase | strip -%} {%- assign use_mega_menu = false -%} {%- capture menu_item_dropdown -%} {%- if mega_menu_names contains downcased_link_title -%} {%- for block in section.blocks -%} {%- assign downcased_mega_menu_name = block.settings.navigation_mega_menu | downcase -%} {%- if downcased_mega_menu_name != downcased_link_title -%} {%- continue -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign use_mega_menu = true -%} {%- assign push_image_count = 0 -%} {%- if block.settings.push_1_image -%} {%- assign push_image_count = push_image_count | plus: 1 -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if block.settings.push_2_image -%} {%- assign push_image_count = push_image_count | plus: 1 -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign should_space_evenly = false -%} {%- if push_image_count == 0 and link.links.size <= 3 -%} {%- assign should_space_evenly = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if push_image_count == 1 and link.links.size == 1 -%} {%- assign should_space_evenly = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if push_image_count == 2 and link.links.size == 1 -%} {%- assign should_space_evenly = true -%} {%- endif -%} <div class="MegaMenu {% if push_image_count != 0 and link.links.size == 0 %}MegaMenu--spacingCenter{% elsif should_space_evenly %}MegaMenu--spacingEvenly{% endif %} {% if push_image_count == 0 and link.links.size > 4 %}MegaMenu--grid{% endif %}" aria-hidden="true" {{ block.shopify_attributes }}> <div class="MegaMenu__Inner"> {%- for sub_link in link.links -%} <div class="MegaMenu__Item MegaMenu__Item--fit"> <a href="{{ sub_link.url }}" class="MegaMenu__Title Heading Text--subdued u-h7">{{ sub_link.title | title }}</a> {%- if sub_link.links != blank -%} <ul class="Linklist"> {%- for sub_sub_link in sub_link.links -%} <li class="Linklist__Item"> <a href="{{ sub_sub_link.url }}" class="Link Link--secondary">{{ sub_sub_link.title | escape }}</a> </li> {%- endfor -%} </ul> {%- endif -%} </div> {%- endfor -%} {%- if push_image_count > 0 -%} <div class="MegaMenu__Item" style="{% if push_image_count == 1 %}width: 370px; min-width: 250px;{% else %}width: 660px; min-width: 425px;{% endif %}"> {%- if block.settings.push_1_image -%} <div class="MegaMenu__Push {% if push_image_count == 2 %}MegaMenu__Push--shrink{% endif %}"> {%- if block.settings.push_1_url != blank -%} <a class="MegaMenu__PushLink" href="{{ block.settings.push_1_url }}"> {%- endif -%} {%- assign max_width = 370 | at_most: block.settings.push_1_image.width -%} <div class="MegaMenu__PushImageWrapper AspectRatio" style="background: url({{ block.settings.push_1_image | img_url: '1x1', format: 'jpg' }}); max-width: {{ max_width }}px; --aspect-ratio: {{ block.settings.push_1_image.aspect_ratio }}"> <img class="Image--lazyLoad Image--fadeIn" data-src="{{ block.settings.push_1_image | img_url: '370x230', scale: 2 }}" alt="{{ block.settings.push_1_image.alt | escape }}"> <span class="Image__Loader"></span> </div> {%- if block.settings.push_1_heading != blank -%} <p class="MegaMenu__PushHeading Heading u-h6">{{ block.settings.push_1_heading | escape }}</p> {%- endif -%} {%- if block.settings.push_1_subheading != blank -%} <p class="MegaMenu__PushSubHeading Heading Text--subdued u-h7">{{ block.settings.push_1_subheading | escape }}</p> {%- endif -%} {%- if block.settings.push_1_url != blank -%} </a> {%- endif -%} </div> {%- endif -%} {%- if block.settings.push_2_image -%} <div class="MegaMenu__Push {% if push_image_count == 2 %}MegaMenu__Push--shrink{% endif %}"> {%- if block.settings.push_2_url != blank -%} <a class="MegaMenu__PushLink" href="{{ block.settings.push_2_url }}"> {%- endif -%} {%- assign max_width = 370 | at_most: block.settings.push_2_image.width -%} <div class="MegaMenu__PushImageWrapper AspectRatio" style="background: url({{ block.settings.push_2_image | img_url: '1x1', format: 'jpg' }}); max-width: {{ max_width }}px; --aspect-ratio: {{ block.settings.push_2_image.aspect_ratio }}"> <img class="Image--lazyLoad Image--fadeIn" data-src="{{ block.settings.push_2_image | img_url: '370x230', scale: 2 }}" alt="{{ block.settings.push_2_image.alt | escape }}"> <span class="Image__Loader"></span> </div> {%- if block.settings.push_2_heading != blank -%} <p class="MegaMenu__PushHeading Heading u-h6">{{ block.settings.push_2_heading | escape }}</p> {%- endif -%} {%- if block.settings.push_2_subheading != blank -%} <p class="MegaMenu__PushSubHeading Heading Text--subdued u-h7">{{ block.settings.push_2_subheading | escape }}</p> {%- endif -%} {%- if block.settings.push_2_url != blank -%} </a> {%- endif -%} </div> {%- endif -%} </div> {%- endif -%} </div> </div> {%- endfor -%} {%- elsif link.links != blank -%} <div class="DropdownMenu" aria-hidden="true"> <ul class="Linklist"> {%- for sub_link in link.links -%} <li class="Linklist__Item" {% if sub_link.links != blank %}aria-haspopup="true"{% endif %}> <a href="{{ sub_link.url }}" class="Link Link--secondary">{{ sub_link.title | escape }} {% if sub_link.links != blank %}{% render 'icon' with 'select-arrow-right' %}{% endif %}</a> {%- if sub_link.links != blank -%} <div class="DropdownMenu" aria-hidden="true"> <ul class="Linklist"> {%- for sub_sub_link in sub_link.links -%} <li class="Linklist__Item"> <a href="{{ sub_sub_link.url }}" class="Link Link--secondary">{{ sub_sub_link.title | escape }}</a> </li> {%- endfor -%} </ul> </div> {%- endif -%} </li> {%- endfor -%} </ul> </div> {%- endif -%} {%- endcapture -%} <li class="HorizontalList__Item {% if link.links == blank and link.active %}is-active{% endif %}" {% if menu_item_dropdown != blank %}aria-haspopup="true"{% endif %}> <a href="{{ link.url }}" class="Heading u-h6"> {{- link.title | escape -}} {%- if use_mega_menu or menu_item_dropdown == blank -%} <span class="Header__LinkSpacer">{{ link.title | escape }}</span> {%- endif -%} </a> {{- menu_item_dropdown -}} </li> {%- endfor -%} </ul> </nav> {{- localization_form -}} {%- endunless -%} </div> {%- capture header_logo -%} <a href="{{ routes.root_url }}" class="Header__LogoLink"> {%- if section.settings.logo != blank -%} {%- capture image_size -%}{{ section.settings.logo_max_width }}x{%- endcapture -%} <img class="Header__LogoImage Header__LogoImage--primary" src="{{ section.settings.logo | img_url: image_size }}" srcset="{{ section.settings.logo | img_url: image_size }} 1x, {{ section.settings.logo | img_url: image_size, scale: 2 }} 2x" width="{{ section.settings.logo.width }}" height="{{ section.settings.logo.height }}" alt="{{ section.settings.logo.alt | default: shop.name | escape }}"> {%- if use_transparent_header and section.settings.transparent_logo != blank -%} <img class="Header__LogoImage Header__LogoImage--transparent" src="{{ section.settings.transparent_logo | img_url: image_size }}" srcset="{{ section.settings.transparent_logo | img_url: image_size }} 1x, {{ section.settings.transparent_logo | img_url: image_size, scale: 2 }} 2x" width="{{ section.settings.logo.width }}" height="{{ section.settings.logo.height }}" alt="{{ section.settings.transparent_logo.alt | default: shop.name | escape }}"> {%- endif -%} {%- else -%} <span class="Heading u-h4">{{ shop.name }}</span> {%- endif -%} </a> {%- endcapture -%} <div class="Header__FlexItem Header__FlexItem--logo"> {%- if template == 'index' -%} <h1 class="Header__Logo">{{ header_logo }}</h1> {%- else -%} <div class="Header__Logo">{{ header_logo }}</div> {%- endif -%} </div> <div class="Header__FlexItem Header__FlexItem--fill"> {%- unless section.settings.show_icons or use_sidebar_menu -%} <nav class="Header__SecondaryNav hidden-phone"> <ul class="HorizontalList HorizontalList--spacingLoose hidden-pocket hidden-lap"> {%- if localization_form != blank and section.settings.navigation_style == 'inline' or section.settings.navigation_style == 'logoLeft' -%} <li class="HorizontalList__Item"> {{ localization_form }} </li> {%- endif -%} {%- if shop.customer_accounts_enabled -%} <li class="HorizontalList__Item"> <a href="{{ routes.account_url }}" class="Heading Link Link--primary Text--subdued u-h8"> {{- 'header.navigation.account' | t -}} </a> </li> {%- endif -%} <li class="HorizontalList__Item"> <a href="{{ routes.search_url }}" class="Heading Link Link--primary Text--subdued u-h8" data-action="toggle-search">{{ 'header.navigation.search' | t }}</a> </li> <li class="HorizontalList__Item"> <a href="{{ routes.cart_url }}" class="Heading u-h6" {% unless template == 'cart' or settings.cart_type == 'page' %}data-action="open-drawer" data-drawer-id="sidebar-cart" aria-label="{{ 'header.navigation.open_cart' | t }}"{% endunless %}>{{ 'header.navigation.cart' | t }} (<span class="Header__CartCount">{{ cart.item_count }}</span>)</a> </li> </ul> </nav> {%- elsif localization_form != blank -%} <nav class="Header__SecondaryNav"> <ul class="HorizontalList HorizontalList--spacingLoose hidden-pocket hidden-lap"> <li class="HorizontalList__Item"> {{ localization_form }} </li> </ul> </nav> {%- endunless -%} {%- if shop.customer_accounts_enabled and section.settings.show_icons or use_sidebar_menu -%} <a href="{{ routes.account_url }}" class="Header__Icon Icon-Wrapper Icon-Wrapper--clickable hidden-phone"> {%- render 'icon' with 'account' -%} </a> {%- endif -%} <a href="{{ routes.search_url }}" class="Header__Icon Icon-Wrapper Icon-Wrapper--clickable {% unless section.settings.show_icons or use_sidebar_menu %}hidden-desk{% endunless %}" data-action="toggle-search" aria-label="{{ 'header.navigation.search' | t }}"> <span class="hidden-tablet-and-up">{%- render 'icon' with 'search' -%}</span> <span class="hidden-phone">{%- render 'icon' with 'search-desktop' -%}</span> </a> <a href="{{ routes.cart_url }}" class="Header__Icon Icon-Wrapper Icon-Wrapper--clickable {% unless section.settings.show_icons or use_sidebar_menu %}hidden-desk{% endunless %}" {% if settings.cart_type == 'drawer' %}data-action="open-drawer" data-drawer-id="sidebar-cart" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="{{ 'header.navigation.open_cart' | t }}"{% endif %}> <span class="hidden-tablet-and-up">{%- render 'icon' with 'cart' -%}</span> <span class="hidden-phone">{%- render 'icon' with 'cart-desktop' -%}</span> <span class="Header__CartDot {% if cart.item_count > 0 %}is-visible{% endif %}"></span> </a> </div> </div> </header> <style> {%- if section.settings.use_sticky_header -%} :root { --use-sticky-header: 1; --use-unsticky-header: 0; } .shopify-section--header { position: -webkit-sticky; position: sticky; } {%- else -%} :root { --use-sticky-header: 0; --use-unsticky-header: 1; } {%- endif -%} {%- if section.settings.logo -%} .Header__LogoImage { max-width: {{ section.settings.logo_max_width }}px; } @media screen and (max-width: 640px) { .Header__LogoImage { max-width: {{ section.settings.mobile_logo_max_width }}px; } } {%- endif -%} {%- if use_transparent_header -%} :root { --header-is-not-transparent: 0; --header-is-transparent: 1; } .shopify-section--header { margin-bottom: calc(-1 * var(--header-height)); } .supports-sticky .Search[aria-hidden="true"] + .Header--transparent { {%- if section.settings.show_transparent_header_border -%} box-shadow: 0 -1px {{ section.settings.transparent_text_color | color_modify: 'alpha', 0.25 }} inset; {%- else -%} box-shadow: none; {%- endif -%} color: {{ section.settings.transparent_text_color }}; } {%- else -%} :root { --header-is-not-transparent: 1; --header-is-transparent: 0; } {%- endif -%} </style> <script> document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--header-height', document.getElementById('shopify-section-header').offsetHeight + 'px'); </script> {% schema %} { "name": "Header", "class": "shopify-section--header", "settings": [ { "type": "checkbox", "id": "use_sticky_header", "label": "Use sticky header", "default": true }, { "type": "header", "content": "Logo" }, { "type": "image_picker", "id": "logo", "label": "Image", "info": "200 x 60px .png recommended" }, { "type": "range", "id": "logo_max_width", "min": 50, "max": 350, "step": 5, "unit": "px", "label": "Image width", "default": 140 }, { "type": "range", "id": "mobile_logo_max_width", "min": 50, "max": 200, "step": 5, "unit": "px", "label": "Mobile image width", "default": 90 }, { "type": "header", "content": "Country/region selector", "info": "To add a country/region, go to your [currency settings.](/admin/settings/payments)" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "show_country_selector", "label": "Show country/region selector", "default": false }, { "type": "header", "content": "Language selector", "info": "To add a language, go to your [language settings.](/admin/settings/languages)" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "show_locale_selector", "label": "Show language selector", "default": true }, { "type": "header", "content": "Navigation" }, { "type": "link_list", "id": "navigation_menu", "label": "Menu", "default": "main-menu" }, { "type": "select", "id": "navigation_style", "label": "Navigation style", "info": "Setting will default to center style if screen width cannot fit all the links.", "options": [ { "value": "sidebar", "label": "Sidebar" }, { "value": "inline", "label": "Inline" }, { "value": "center", "label": "Center" }, { "value": "logoLeft", "label": "Logo left" } ], "default": "inline" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "show_icons", "label": "Show icons", "info": "Text for account, search and cart are replaced by icons on desktop.", "default": false }, { "type": "header", "content": "Transparent header" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_transparent_header", "label": "Enable on homepage", "default": false }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_transparent_header_collection", "label": "Enable on collection pages", "default": false }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "show_transparent_header_border", "label": "Show separation border", "default": true }, { "type": "color", "id": "transparent_text_color", "label": "Text/icon color", "default": "#ffffff" }, { "type": "image_picker", "id": "transparent_logo", "label": "Logo image", "info": "200 x 60px .png recommended" } ], "blocks": [ { "type": "mega_menu", "name": "Mega menu", "settings": [ { "type": "text", "id": "navigation_mega_menu", "label": "Menu item", "info": "Enter menu item to apply a mega menu dropdown. [Learn more](http://support.maestrooo.com/article/149-navigation-enabling-and-configuring-mega-menu)." }, { "type": "header", "content": "Image push 1" }, { "type": "image_picker", "id": "push_1_image", "label": "Image", "info": "740 x 460 px .jpg recommended" }, { "type": "text", "id": "push_1_heading", "label": "Heading", "default": "Example heading" }, { "type": "text", "id": "push_1_subheading", "label": "Sub-heading", "default": "Example sub-heading" }, { "type": "url", "id": "push_1_url", "label": "Link" }, { "type": "header", "content": "Image push 2" }, { "type": "image_picker", "id": "push_2_image", "label": "Image", "info": "740 x 460 px .jpg recommended" }, { "type": "text", "id": "push_2_heading", "label": "Heading", "default": "Example heading" }, { "type": "text", "id": "push_2_subheading", "label": "Sub-heading", "default": "Example sub-heading" }, { "type": "url", "id": "push_2_url", "label": "Link" } ] } ] } {% endschema %}
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