Ware house Theme: add a tab for each province to make website show items only for that province

Ware house Theme: add a tab for each province to make website show items only for that province

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Hey Folks,


We have items that can only be sold in a certain state/province. We want to add a swatch or tab on the homepage to allow customers to pick their province/state and only items from the selected province/state would show up (e.g. have a FEDERAL and PROVINCIAL tab which customers could pick and then only items with FEDERAL or PROVINCIAL in the name would repopulate respectively). We are currently using the Ware house theme.



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
2611 236 552

Hi @S_P33,


Thanks for getting in touch. For a customization like this I'd recommend looking into hiring a Shopify Expert to help you make this sort of change to your site.

Victor | Social Care @ Shopify 
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