What's the best method for comparing Shopify theme performance?

What's the best method for comparing Shopify theme performance?

Shopify Partner
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I am developing Shopify Theme Optimizer.
I focused on Liquid optimizations.
After optimizing the theme, I compared the themes with the Shopify Theme Inspector, but with very variable results.
I'm wondering if I've made a mistake in my comparison method.
I'm comparing it to the water method.
I am publishing the theme that I will profile first.
Then I visit the home page, catalog page, product page and contact page 25 times in a row.
Then I publish the other theme that I will profile.
When I change the published theme, the performance of the first requests is slower than the others.
Is there a right way to compare theme performance?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
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When you publish a theme you will hit cache issues initially as the theme is newly being served.

Unpublished themes have redirects and other cruft added to the them.


Either compare results only from when each theme is live after a short time after making initial requests,

or use results from when they are both unpublished.


Also the nature of the internet is asynchronous, more so when javascript is being used.

So if your focusing only liquid disable javascript.


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