where can i aad blogs, product schema deta to my shopify

where can i aad blogs, product schema deta to my shopify

5 0 1

Hi this is Osama Yasin 

where can i aad blogs, product schemas deta 

Semrush given me error.

I want to fix it Please guide me i am new

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
214 12 78

Hi Osama, 


The best ad easiest eway to do this is to install and SEO app that handles all this for you. I have a free app in the app store that does this



Another option would be to modify your theme code

SEO Manager - The all-in-One SEO solution for Shopify
A powerful suite of SEO tools that gets you found in Google results

- Install SEO Manager -
5 0 1

okay Thank You but i want to know how to do it manually 

for education prepose