Re: Error - command theme:serve not found

Why am I getting 'command theme:serve not found' error in Shopify theme setup?

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I'm just getting started with Shopify. I successfully downloaded the default Dawn theme into my repo for my mock store.


When I run the 'shopify theme serve' command, my Terminal gives me this error:


command theme:serve not found

My file directory structure matches the default and I even got rid of the file that I initially had, just to see if it would make it a difference. Still the same error.


Using a Mac M1 on macOS 13 Ventura, if that makes any difference.


Anyone else run into this error?

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Try > shopify theme dev 

They've messed up the theme design/development workflow again 2.0-2.3 for themes for apps



If you recently started and have a version 3 or greater of the shopify-cli they changed the commands names for some dumb reason so it's more inscrutable to use and outdates a TON of documentation.


If you read "shopify theme serve" in dev docs there is a feedback button on almost every section, use it.

If it's on some other shopify site report it to support that it's outdated.

Or create a ticket in the shopify-cli github repo itself or the newer  /shrug /ugh


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Thank you Paul!