Re: Double Title in footer pages.

Why am I seeing a double title on my footer pages?

2 0 0

Hi All, 


I'm getting a double title, on my pages, this happens when I add them via the footer. Not sure exactly why this is happening. I have the headers enabled through the policy section on Shopify, but I have no idea where the small header is coming. 


I feel like its a h2 somewhere, but I can't find where I can edit them out.

Also I'm using debutify





Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
1400 174 384

What's happening is the theme is labelling the page automatically for you (the small grey title), and then within your policy yourself, you've started the policy with typing "Return Policy" as an H1/H2/H3 font size. 


The easiest fix would be to go into your Refund Policy settings (admin > settings > policies), and then delete the title "Return Policy" from the top of the actual return policy (or else make it regular sized and left-aligned). 

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2 0 0

Thanks for your reply, I noticed this as well. However if I remove the titles through my actual return policy. The problem is that I am unable to change the size of the header, style, or the gap, even I change the typography settings, this still stays the same for some apparent reason.

Shopify Partner
1400 174 384

You'd need to hide the default title then, using custom CSS. 


Share your store's URL, and I can tell you what the coding is. 


It'll be something like this: 






Where you'd replace the 'class-of-the-title-goes-here' bit with the actual title class that the theme is using for the policy title. 


For the Dawn theme, the coding looks like this: 



.shopify-policy__title {display:none;}



And it can be added directly to the theme editor > settings > custom CSS. 


custom css.png


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