Why are some pages in my Shopify store blocked by robots.txt files?


Why are some pages in my Shopify store blocked by robots.txt files?

13 1 4

several robots.txt file disallows on a Shopify store

Hi We have several robots.txt file showing disallow on our Shopify Store, noted on the Google Search Console.
The disallow on some pages we are aware of as we dont want crawled. However we have 
noted the 'search' and 'collections' blocked and have over past few months losing significant sales.  
Here below a copy of what we are noting on the Google Search Console. Robots txt Tester Page
# we use Shopify as our ecommerce platform
User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin
Disallow: /cart
Disallow: /orders
Disallow: /checkouts/
Disallow: /checkout
Disallow: /57831522404/checkouts
Disallow: /57831522404/orders
Disallow: /carts
Disallow: /account
Disallow: /collections/*sort_by*
Disallow: /*/collections/*sort_by*
Disallow: /collections/*+*
Disallow: /collections/*%2B*
Disallow: /collections/*%2b*
Disallow: /*/collections/*+*
Disallow: /*/collections/*%2B*
Disallow: /*/collections/*%2b*
Disallow: */collections/*filter*&*filter*
Disallow: /blogs/*+*
Disallow: /blogs/*%2B*
Disallow: /blogs/*%2b*
Disallow: /*/blogs/*+*
Disallow: /*/blogs/*%2B*
Disallow: /*/blogs/*%2b*
Disallow: /*?*oseid=*
Disallow: /*preview_theme_id*
Disallow: /*preview_script_id*
Disallow: /policies/
Disallow: /*/*?*ls=*&ls=*
Disallow: /*/*?*ls%3D*%3Fls%3D*
Disallow: /*/*?*ls%3d*%3fls%3d*
Disallow: /search
Disallow: /apple-app-site-association
Disallow: /.well-known/shopify/monorail
Disallow: /cdn/wpm/*.js
Are these to be concerned over .
Any advice would be appreciated. 
Accepted Solution (1)
13 1 4

This is an accepted solution.

Thank you. We did not disallow , so I will reach out to a Shopify expert. Thank you.


View solution in original post

Replies 5 (5)
13 1 4

This is an accepted solution.

Thank you. We did not disallow , so I will reach out to a Shopify expert. Thank you.


1 0 4

How is this a solution!? This has happened to my store and my whole site has been WIPED from Google due to disallowed Javascript at checkouts which I have not done myself, had the run around from Shopify support, something has changed my code and I think its the 'One Page Checkouts' Shopify brought in, my whole sit has crashed! No one has anwers, Shopify experts MY ASS! I am furious

1 0 0

Hey! I have the same problem it’s definitely been created by Shopify, were you able to get a solve or swap to Wordpress?

1 0 0

i got this to, what is it about

23 0 4

Have you solve it? I have the same problem loosing a lot of money in sales