Re: Why can't I upload images to Shopify over WiFi?


Why can't I upload images to Shopify over WiFi?

5 0 1


So yesterday I was creating products one by one and adding their images when suddenly I couln´t upload images anymore, I now get this error "There was an issue processing the uploaded media. Try again later.". I tried using the app on my iphone and same problem. Then, I disconnected my phone from WIFI network and I was able to upload images, even with my laptop connected to my iphone I can upload images, but when I connect to WIFI I ge the same error. I can upload files to any other websites except shopify.. What can I do to solve this problem?  (I already tried turning my modem off for half an hour but the problem remains..).


Thank you in Advance,

Sincerely, Eduardo Garcia.

Accepted Solution (1)
Shopify Partner
143 13 24

This is an accepted solution.

Ah yeah that is not bad at all. Last thing I could think of is that your browser is in need of a refresh, you might try the same uploads on an alternative that you've never used before. The good news is that Shopify itself is fine - if it were having trouble then you (and everyone else) wouldn't be able to upload images under any circumstances. So failing an alternate browser I'd say to see what your ISP says about your current hardware to make sure it's up to the task of uploading.

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Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Partner
143 13 24

Hey there! It might help to do a quick speed test using or similar just to get a baseline understanding of what your speed is. It's the upload speed that's more important here, it's not something that ISPs promote a lot since download is what more people consider important. I'm thinking if it's especially low or the latency is too high then the upload simply times out and fails.


It would be something to discuss with your internet service provider though, regardless of what the result shows. Maybe your modem is due for a new model anyway or maybe they have a better deal on a newer data package.

5 0 1

Hi Casey,

Thank you for your reply. I doubt that uploading speed is the problem since it is pretty fast.. And is the only website with the image upload issue.. could it be something else..?  (As you can see, I just uploaded the following image here..)


Thanks again! Screen Shot 2022-08-10 at 15.47.30.png

Shopify Partner
143 13 24

This is an accepted solution.

Ah yeah that is not bad at all. Last thing I could think of is that your browser is in need of a refresh, you might try the same uploads on an alternative that you've never used before. The good news is that Shopify itself is fine - if it were having trouble then you (and everyone else) wouldn't be able to upload images under any circumstances. So failing an alternate browser I'd say to see what your ISP says about your current hardware to make sure it's up to the task of uploading.

5 0 1

Well, I just tried with a different browser, one that I had never used before and still the same problem. I understand that shopify is working fine, so I will try to contact my internet provider see what can the do on that end.. 

Thanks one more time

Sincerely, Eduardo Garcia.

2 0 1

I have this problem too, did you solve the problem? and let me know what should I do, thanks.

1 0 0

I have this problem too, did you solve the problem? and let me know what should I do, thanks.