Why doesn't CarrierService API show discounted prices?

Why doesn't CarrierService API show discounted prices?

Shopify Partner
26 1 12

It seems that if a discount code is used, CarrierService API does not provide the discounted price to the carrier service API endpoint but it provides the original product amount. This causes problems when calculating shipping price in relationship to the total purchase price.

Replies 3 (3)
Shopify Partner
26 1 12

Discount code is working just fine in the checkout. For example if the original product price is 100e and the discount code is 50e for that product. The total of cart is 50e. This works how it should work! But problem is that when CarrierService API end point is called, the item object in the requirest has:

"price": 10000

 when it should have "price": 5000

Shopify Partner
24 4 7

I experience the same issue. Is there any solution to retrieve the discounted price?

Shopify Partner
24 4 7

I experience the exact same issue.