Why doesn't my social sharing image appear in search results?

Why doesn't my social sharing image appear in search results?

3 0 0


i set the social sharing image preview to my store, but the picture is not appear when searching for the website>




Replies 4 (4)

3 0 0
Can you explain more, I didn't understand what you mean by 236 an kulin.

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11207 226 2317

Can you share the shop url and what you see when searching? Without seeing the problem it becomes very hard to point you in a direction to solve.

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3 0 0
The domain picture not appear, I put picture in the preferences.

Shopify Partner
935 24 193

You should update the Title and meta description in Online Store => Preference. Also, Google doesn't update the search results in real time. So you have to submit a sitemap in Google Search Console if you want to speed up the index update process.

FireShot Webpage Capture 409 - 'Sillycube Demo Shop · Preferences · Shopify' - admin.shopify.com.png

BYOB - Build Your Own Bundles, SPO - SEO App to research keywords & edit social link preview