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Hi! So for some reason a code is showing on top of my website on the desktop
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I have not messed with coding, since I'm not experienced and I don't want to break anything haha
but yeah has anyone seen this before, if so.. please help me!😭
NOTE: It was not there yesterday night and its showing up on Chrome and safari
Thanks in advance 🙂
I am having the same issue, but it's only happening to my computer. I am not sure if I need to do something. 😕
Yes I just realized that it's happening when I view any Shopify website
This is what is showing up on my computer. It is not showing up on other people's computers. So I think it must be related to my web browser. 😕
Mine just went away randomly!
Did you do anything? Like delete your cache, and cookies, or use another browser?
Hi! So I cleared my Chrome cache earlier that day, but that was not the solution because the code went away on Safari as well and I didn't clear Safari's.
Ran 4 different spyware apps on my system. None found anything. Finally discovered there was an app called SurftoEarn installed on my pc the day the problem started. Not sure where it came from. Definitely didn't knowingly download it. Once removed, the issue went away. Check to see if you have that app or something else installed the day the problem started for you.
THIS^^!!!!! Thank you SO much. Did the same thing--ran several spyware scans, flushed my DNS, cleared cache. Nothing was working. Originally saw your comment and searched "SurftoEarn" on my PC and nothing came up. It wasn't until I went into Add or remove programs and boom, there it was. SurftoEarn. Uninstalled it and it fixed all my issues.
Surftoearn ? ok so was it an app extension ? Or should I look actually in my windows program?
Check add/remove programs to see if it’s there.
I should have responded sooner but, this was my issue. I didn't even know I had this installed. Thank you for the suggestion.
Yes! Thank you! I found the app as you directed and also cleared cookies in Chrome and Bam! Was driving me crazy. Thanks a million.
You are my HERO right now!!!! I was at my wits end trying to find this code in all the files . Absolutely had the surftoearn on my PC,,, WHO KNEW!! THANKS
OMG YOU HAVE SAVED THE DAYYYYYYYYYYYY. I have tried everything, this completely drove me INSANE. I cannot believe with the number of scans, searches, deleting, blah blah blah, "surf2earn" never came up. I didn't even know I had it! My mind is BLOWN thank you thank you thank you
Thank you SO much! This fixed mine too!!!
EVentures - A MILLION THANK YOU's!!!!!
This has been an irritant for me for months.
Note: next time copy the code and google search it - to get to an answer page. LOL
I'm having the same issue. Mine just started today. I've checked other computers and the site looks fine, but it's happening in all my browsers. I really hope someone can answer this for us all.
Mine just went away randomly!
Great! Hopefully mine will too then. Waiting impatiently.
This is due to spyware on your PC. Run some cleaners and it should improve.
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mines doing same thing I went and put this into my browser to see if it would come up what it was i was assuming an app i had installed thru Shopify but since reading this feed I will go and clean and do the spyware as well as delete the app that (Tracesounds) said ill let you know cross your fingers!!!
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