Why is my Admin API access token showing as invalid?

Why is my Admin API access token showing as invalid?

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My Admin API access token is coming up invalid.... I'm not sure what to do. Any help?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
2118 231 339

Hey @Amransford,


Invalid API key or access token error response occurs in many conditions:


  • When the access token or password is invalid. (Check weather the access token and password correct pair of combinations in private app section.)
  • Invalid access url. (Check the format of url. https://apikey:password@hostname/admin/resource.json)
  • Invalid api permission. (Check for the permission applied on private app api from Admin API permissions section)


Otheriwse, feel free to reach out to Partner Support for further investigating! 

Moira | Social Care @ Shopify
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