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Hello, everyone,
We've been having problems with the Shopify statistics and the conversion rate for 2/3 days.
We get multiple orders daily, see abandoned checkouts, but under stats, "added to cart", "checkout reached", "converted session" and "conversion rate" are all 0.
Do you have similar problems?
Is this a general Shopify issue?
We didn't make any changes and that just happened from one day to the next.
Hey Matthias! @teegeschwister @LOVINDOG
You will find multiple threads on this particular topic via the community search bar above. And there are multiple possible reasons for this, such as, for example, you won't see stats on "added to cart
", "checkout reached
", and "converted session
" when the accelerated checkout buttons are used since they bypass the cart.
Also, if you are using a pop out or "fly out" from the top header area the add to cart is not being tracked, so it's better to use a “cart page” as tracking relies on the page change and pop out carts don't provide that.
I agree that there can be discrepancies visible within Shopify Analytics, for example, with the missing 'Add to Cart' to Order conversion. However, I do not believe that Google is reporting more sessions, but just that Shopify data is not able to track all sessions for different reasons.
To give an order example that indicates this missing conversion, if you add a "City" filter to the Online store conversion over time report and enter a city, some orders may not be visible as a conversion (nor as an 'Add to Cart' or 'Reached Checkout') while other orders will.
For more context on when a session has been converted, the summary is "sessions in which shoppers added one or more items to their shopping carts, proceeded to the checkout, and then purchased the items", so the conversion would not show if any of these steps are not fulfilled (as in the first example above).
More detail on that can be found here: Analytics · Shopify Help Center and there has not been any changes to the way that conversions are tracked.
Session tracking is strongly affected by Apple's ATT and Safari's ITP as well as by 3rd party Cookie consent managers. Session discrepancies can be related to these apps and cookie tracking in recent months has become much stricter.
Hope that helps!
Gabe | Social Care @ Shopify
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Thank you for your answers, I also contacted Shopify support but unfortunately without an answer. I think there is a generell problem at the moment.
when @LOVINDOG and @teegeschwister are from EU, perhaps it has something to do with GDPR? Has Shopify changed something? Because we are from Germany.
We are also from Germany and I would say @teegeschwister as well. Maybe it is really a region-specific issue.
I have also since Friday the same problem. I have orders but the conversion rate is constantly zero. I have contacted the Shopify support, but they was not able to help me and referenced me to icart drawer, which was already installed on 12th October. So I don’t think it is a local problem at me or my instance. I think it is a Shopify problem. It is a bug and they should look on it.
Hello @Gabe gabe, Hello @Ttttshop ,
Sounds like the same problem, we have.
Gabe, thank you for your quick reply. We know that the measured values is never accurate because of your mentioned factors. However, from "overnight" the values are all at "0" without anything being changed. This is very confusing. I have tried all kinds of things. Cookies, cartpage instead of slide cart. older theme activated, various apps deactivated. It remains the same.
I also think it is an shopify problem.
So seeing that this issue is only since a few days I would suggest let's observe it until the EOW. I'm sure it's just a temp glitch and it will iron out in a few days
Gabe | Social Care @ Shopify
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Here I got an Information from Shopify Support Germany:
Im Allgemeinen kommt es recht häufig vor, dass Analyseabweichungen unter den Statistiken in Deiner Admin-Seite angezeigt werden. Viele Faktoren, z. B. wie verschiedene Browser die einzelnen Aktionen definieren, die Datenschutzeinstellungen oder die Internetverbindung des Kunden, können sich auf die Ermittlung von Analysekennzahlen auswirken.
Da das Problem, auf das Du Dich beziehst, jedoch erst seit Freitag gibt, möchte ich Dich darauf hinweisen, dass es sich um einen allgemeinen Vorfall handelt, der derzeit auch bei anderen Shopify-Händlern das gleiche Problem verursacht. Sei bitte sicher, dass unsere Fachspezialisten dieses Verhalten derzeit beobachten und intensiv an einer Lösung arbeiten. Da es keinen konkreten Zeitrahmen für die Behebung des Problems gibt, bitte ich Dich um Geduld und Verständnis, bis wir das Problem behoben haben. In der Zwischenzeit könntest Du uns gerne kontaktieren, wenn Du weitere Fragen zu diesem oder einem anderen Problem hast!
Has the issue been rectified by the Shopify team?
Gabe | Social Care @ Shopify
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Unfortunately not, the problem is still there.
No, we facing still the problem. Since yesterday is also the counting of visitors affected. So in angle from Shopify we are blindfolded.
@Gabe Same Situation with us (Germany Store) - Since Oct 21 unchanged. Support Ticket remains unsolved unfortunately. Appreciate your help in flagging to the team
edit: just received a reply by German shopify team that the issues has been solved. Conversions are back
Great news @Lyk_ke!
Gabe | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hey! How did it get resolved? Still looking for a solution
Shopify is dead. Try with Google Analytics
This and several other minor problems started to appear from the moment Shopify updated the admin dashboard. This is exclusively a problem up to Shopify and absolutely nothing else. I don't understand why Shopify became so obsessed with UI at the expense of UX, certainly the appearance of the platform is worse than it was and the functionality is less and less, in addition to all the bugs that exist. I wonder if this is the beginning of the end for Shopify? The support they were known for no longer exists, many announcements and stories but no realization, only empty promises, constant focus on Plus users while the others are not paid attention at all... It's a shame, this was once a good company...
Nah don't agree with you sorry. Checked your threads and you seem to have a heavily customised Debut theme right? Wel if you customise your theme then you are obscuring your data flow.
Wrong. My theme is not heavily to customised at all. There are about 10 apps installed that are necessary to keep the site alive. And that's only for the reason that Shopify has literally discontinued support for all non-2.0 themes.
And as for your data flow theory, that's the most nonsense I've heard in a while. How does Google Analytics read the data and Shopify is not able to? Even if that "data flow theory" is true, what does that say about Shopify??? 😂
It seems to me that Shopify will have to do a lot more than hiring a bunch of spokespersons who represents their interests in this community and on social networks, maybe to start with hiring real developers and real support... Simple really
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