Re: Why the website loading is very slow?

Why is my online food store website loading slowly?

2 0 1

Hi everyone,

We have built the website for the online food store, however, the loading speed is pretty slow. The website does not many apps and the size of images is not that large, could anyone let me know how to speed it up when opening the website? 


Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
39 0 13

First off: Lots of unused javascript, most likely from various apps.

Second: Images aren't lazy loading, leading to your site loading all images at the same time instead of delaying the loading of images not visible until they're needed.

Aside from that, test it in gtmetrics and Google Pagespeed to discover what to do. is also good.

Shopify Partner
313 6 19

Hello @Hanssss 

Welcome to the Shopify Community!

This is Jay from Oakleaf Infoway. I went through your website manually and also tested your website speed on the world's most trustable speed engine tools Page speed & G-metrics.

The current speed of your website is 10% on the mobile site and 41% on the desktop site. As that doesn't match any standard quality levels according to google.

Here is the link for your reference:


Desktop Site:

Longer load times have also been shown to negatively affect conversions.

That's why if you're investing lots of time and money into getting the rankings you deserve, you shouldn't be blowing it by having a slow website.

Each page will take 8.2 sec to load, The best should be less than 3 sec require to get a good user experience without being annoyed. 

I would glad to know you that we would love to help you with the same.

Our Aim” is to optimize the website speed up to 75-90% in any device. It’s helpful to the visitor who visits your website and spends much time without being annoyed.

If you wish to move forward with us.

Please add me over the skype/Mail for an instant communication

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Team, *Oakleaf Infoway*
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- Feel free to contact us on Skype: live:.cid.2ca82125d1edaa5f/
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Shopify Partner
134 10 73

After running your site through our Shopify Analyzer, it looks like there are a few opportunities to speed up your website.




It looks like your site is making a large number of requests. You’ll want to take a deeper dive to see if there are any you can eliminate. If it looks like all of them are correct, then nothing can be done. I’d bet that there are a decent amount that could probably be removed.

Another thing that’s being flagged on your home page is a few images that aren’t being lazy loaded. You’ll want to make sure lazy loading is being implemented correctly.

The biggest area of improvement looks like it can be made by optimizing your images. You likely have some very large ones that could be compressed.

Developer at SpeedBoostr (Shopify optimization and dev agency).
Try out our Shopify Analyzer (free performance analysis tool).
Check out Order Automator (app that auto tags + fulfills orders, and more automation)
More Apps: Theme Scientist (A/B testing tool), Tip Jar (add a tip button to your store), File Optimizer (optimize CSS, JS, Liquid)