Re: Store Speed 30/100

Why is my online store still slow after deleting unused apps?

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Hi my store speed is very slow, can someone tell me what's wrong? I deleted all unused apps already

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Hi @afiasleaf 

Aibek is here from

Good job on reducing number of apps at your store. But sometimes it's not enough to achieve result that you desire. 

You need to check console errors, adopt proper images for each size of screen and apply lazyload where it's necessary. 

Can you please share URL of your shop, so we can provide you full analyze and you can see on which direction you need to go.


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Oh ok my store link is

Shopify Partner
134 10 73

Hi @afiasleaf 

I ran your home page through the Shopify Analyzer (free tool we built for the Shopify community). You can view your detailed report at

It looks like your site could benefit from the following:

  • minify your theme.scss.css and theme.js files as much as possible.
  • compress and reduce the size of oversized images.
  • eliminate hidden images if possible.
  • improve lazy loading so that all offscreen images aren't loaded until they come into a user's view.

We have a great guide if you'd like to work on your optimizations in-house: How To Optimize a Shopify Site.

I'd like to also mention some more details regarding your 30/100 store speed. Google Page Speed Insights and Shopify's Speed Score are both based on Google's Lighthouse engine. This takes into account many other factors beyond just page speed when generating your score. This means that just because you have a lower score doesn't mean your website is slow.

We have a few articles that go more in-depth on these tools if you'd like to learn more:

I hope this info was helpful. If you'd like assistance with any optimizations, please feel free to reach out to our team at

Developer at SpeedBoostr (Shopify optimization and dev agency).
Try out our Shopify Analyzer (free performance analysis tool).
Check out Order Automator (app that auto tags + fulfills orders, and more automation)
More Apps: Theme Scientist (A/B testing tool), Tip Jar (add a tip button to your store), File Optimizer (optimize CSS, JS, Liquid)
New Member
4 0 0

How do I minify the theme files? how do I know which images are hidden? what is lazy loading?

Shopify Partner
134 10 73




Developer at SpeedBoostr (Shopify optimization and dev agency).
Try out our Shopify Analyzer (free performance analysis tool).
Check out Order Automator (app that auto tags + fulfills orders, and more automation)
More Apps: Theme Scientist (A/B testing tool), Tip Jar (add a tip button to your store), File Optimizer (optimize CSS, JS, Liquid)
8 0 3


Shopify says my score speed is 33/100, but when i run Lighthouse myself i get a desktop speed of 82 and a mobile speed of 56.

Why is there such a difference

Shopify Partner
257 31 132

1. Lighthouse scores will vary each time you run it depending on how long certain resoruces take to process, it's totally possible that the lighthouse systems are taxed for whatever reason when shopify runs them so your score is lower.

2. The score shopify displays right next to your live them is an agreegrate of diferent page's lighthouse score, when you say 56, are you talking about your homepage, or an aggregate score of your homepage, product page, and collection page?

Available for pagespeed consulting
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Thanks for replying.

The score speeds i posted are for the home page, my collection pages are scoring higher than the home page, which is making me think i should just ignore the shopify speed rating 



Shopify Partner
257 31 132

They're all just suggestions. a 1-100 score ****s with peoples mind, becuase they feel they should have a perfect score, but really it's just something you should try to understand as much as you can and adapt the suggestions that are most reasonable for you. 

Available for pagespeed consulting
8 0 3

The only thing thats worrying me is the fact that in googles search rankings, From May, they are ranking you in order of speed and the higher i am the better