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Hello dear sellers,
I am new to Shopify and have built my store. It is almost finished, but at the moment, I still have the problem that it says "SSL pending". A guide said that it might need up to 48 hours, but since I have connected my domain, 2 weeks are already over. The shop has a password at the moment and I'm using the Standardplan. A new domain has already been saved and is successfully connected to the store. Any ideas why SSL is still pending?
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
Hi, @Denny101!
I’m Helen from Shopify Support. Thanks for your question and your patience; The SSL most definitely should have provisioned for your domain within 48 hours of connecting it. So, let’s get to the bottom of this for you!
Did you purchase your domain through Shopify? Or is it being hosted by a third party site?
If it is being hosted off of Shopify, please login to your domain host account and check that your DNS settings are as follows to ensure that the SSL is not being blocked:
For assistance with checking or editing these parameters, please reach out to your domain provider directly, and allow up to 48 hours for your domain to fully propagate after any changes are made.
For a domain being hosted by Shopify, please check the same DNS settings from your Shopify admin by going to ‘Online Store > Domains > Manage > DNS Settings’. Let me know if you need a hand with this.
Keep me updated with how it all goes. Once you have confirmed that your DNS settings are correct feel free to reply back to this thread with your domain name, and I am happy to look further into it from my end to be sure we get it all connected up properly before you remove the password from your storefront.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
This is an accepted solution.
Hi, @hazem1995! Thanks for checking in about this.
Do you recall what the additional A and AAAA records are for in your DNS settings? Most commonly, SSL errors are due to multiple A Records or AAAA Records in your DNS Settings. Therefore, if records 2-9 are not intentional, then yes those are the ones to remove.
Who is your domain host? If you have any doubt about the functionality of your DNS setting, I suggest first contacting your domain provider to determine if those records are needed. If advised to remove them, please wait up to 48 hours after doing so for the changes to take effect and your SSL certificate to provision.
If your SSL is still pending 48 hours after making any changes (or if advised not to remove records 2-9), the next step is to attempt to have the SSL certificates provisioned from our end. In order to do so, we’ll need to access your account. At this time, account-specific support via the Shopify Community is unavailable, so please visit our contact page, and log in to your account to create a support request for live chat, callback or email assistance.
To save some time and help the Support Advisor you speak with pick up where we’ve left off, I am going to provide you with a summary of the issue as I understand it. Please share this summary at the beginning of your conversation in order to proceed with the next steps as quickly as possible:
“My domain’s SSL has been pending for longer than 48 hours. I have confirmed with my domain provider that
the DNS settings are correct, therefore I am requesting for you to manually provision the SSL certificate.”
I'm marking this reply as “Solved” for the benefit of anyone else who also needs a Support Advisor to assist with these same next steps. Thanks!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
This is an accepted solution.
Hi, @Denny101!
I’m Helen from Shopify Support. Thanks for your question and your patience; The SSL most definitely should have provisioned for your domain within 48 hours of connecting it. So, let’s get to the bottom of this for you!
Did you purchase your domain through Shopify? Or is it being hosted by a third party site?
If it is being hosted off of Shopify, please login to your domain host account and check that your DNS settings are as follows to ensure that the SSL is not being blocked:
For assistance with checking or editing these parameters, please reach out to your domain provider directly, and allow up to 48 hours for your domain to fully propagate after any changes are made.
For a domain being hosted by Shopify, please check the same DNS settings from your Shopify admin by going to ‘Online Store > Domains > Manage > DNS Settings’. Let me know if you need a hand with this.
Keep me updated with how it all goes. Once you have confirmed that your DNS settings are correct feel free to reply back to this thread with your domain name, and I am happy to look further into it from my end to be sure we get it all connected up properly before you remove the password from your storefront.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hello Helen,
Thank you for your detailed information about the SSL certificate. I have just changed the settings as you described together with the support of the domain provider almost 3 days ago, but SSL is still pending.
Thank you for the offer to check it in detail. The domain is stubenpfoetchen.de
Best regards,
Found the problem.
There was an extra dot in the domain settings at my provider that caused the problem.
Thank you really much for your help:)
That's great, @Denny101! Thank you for the update.
Let me know if you have any more questions or concerns.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hey Helen
We are having the same issue... now we do have two 'A' names. Looking at my screenshots, which the safe one to remove?
Hey, @Mark__Brown!
Thanks for reaching out. I suggest removing the A Record with the Name set as ‘www’. For the A Record remaining please enter ‘@’ into the Name box, and save the changes.
Once the DNS Settings are adjusted, it can take up to 48 hours for the SSL certificate to provision. However, I am happy to check on the status of it from my end in the meantime to be sure it is connected correctly. If you would like me to do so please reply back with the url, and I will gladly look into it.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hey Helen that would be great it's www.editorskeys.com
Thanks for your reply, @Mark__Brown.
I took a look. The connection is correct from my end, and the SSL certificate has now fully provisioned!
Let me know if you have any other questions or comments.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hey Helen
Oh that’s great thank you! It’s now not mentioning the SSL at all, is that correct?
Thanks so much for your help.
You’re very welcome, @Mark__Brown!
You can confirm that the SSL is provisioned from your Shopify admin by going to ‘Online Store > Domains’. You can also check it by going directly to your website. The security information is available in the browser bar as seen below:
All the best,
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi Helen
SSL is Still pending after 4 days
Does the Only one A Record is setup, and it needs to point to only
mine is looking 23.227.38.XX ( X showing different number to 65)
Hi, @TRe2!
Yes, your A Record needs to point to Shopify by using the exact IP address: Once you update it in your domain's DNS settings, it should fully connect and the SSL certificate will provision within 48 hours. For reference, the steps for manually connecting a domain to your Shopify store are found in this Help Doc for Connecting a third party domain.
However, if you’re still having trouble with it after 48 hours, feel free to reach back out here and I’m happy to look further into it for you.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, I am still having trouble of the SSL pending. After revising the DNS page
1. the IP is Pointing IP address:
2. There is no AAAA
3. The. DNSSEC is also disabled from the domain provider ( Go Daddy), the only thing I can think of is
Hello again, @TRe2.
Yes, shops.myshopify.com is the correct CNAME value to use, therefore all settings appear to be correct. Have you had a chance to contact GoDaddy yet to have them confirm the settings on their end?
I’m happy to take a look at the connection from my end too to see if there is any further indication of what the issue may be. I’m sending you an email to facilitate this. Please keep an eye out for it!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi there,
I also new to shopify, and I would love learn new stuff by coming here. SSL pending seems to be a mandatory issue for everyone coming to shopify. I tried every guidelines given & read almost majority regarding shopify SSL pending cases. My domain is vyralstore.com, I tried for almost 3 weeks instead of 48 hours before posting it here. A little help would be much appreciated. Here are the screenshots ?
Hi, @Ronnie77.
I’m sorry to hear you have been struggling with this for so long! Let’s work together towards getting this resolved for you.
Thanks for the screenshots. The domain values you’ve entered in order to point your domain to Shopify are correct (IP address:, CNAME: shops.myshopify.com), however there appears to be an issue with the A Record settings itself. Every domain host is a little bit different when it comes to the DNS settings, therefore, as the next step towards troubleshooting this is to contact your domain provider directly to have them check that their particular requirements for pointing a domain to Shopify are met.
For further reference here is the Help Doc for connecting a third party domain that you can provide to your domain host to assist them with double checking the requirements on their end.
Once they’ve made the adjustments needed, the SSL certificate should provision automatically. However, if it doesn’t we can try provisioning it manually from my end, so just let me know!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Tq for the reply, @Helen,
Can you comment a little from this sites ?
Hopefully, the SSL pending can be solved. I'm waiting from the provider too at the moment.
I am having the same issue and it has been over 48 hours. My domain is LujoSkin.com and is not working/SSL is still pending even though I approved the transfer through the Google domains to Shopify.
I would appreciate any guidance!
- Leah
Hey, @Leahjsparks!
Thanks for reaching out here about your SSL issue as well. I just went to your domain, lujoskin.com, and the SSL certificate looks like it has been fully provisioned now. See below:
Let me know if you are experiencing something different from your end, and/or if you are seeing any ‘pending’ notifications in your Shopify admin when you go to ‘Online Store > Domains’, and I’m happy to look further into it for you.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi again @Helen,
However, if it doesn’t we can try provisioning it manually from my end, so just let me know!
Help me on manually provisioning the SSL pending. Let see how things can go thru.
Hi, @Ronnie77.
I took a look at the link you provided (intodns.com/vyralstore.com), and to be honest, most of it is out of my support scope and best to discuss with your domain provider. However, I did notice that you have two A Records as seen below, which may be contributing to the issue. Please remove the other A Record and we’ll see if that helps.
Additionally, I am also sending you an email so that I can proceed with taking a closer look at this, and see what else I can help with from my end. Keep an eye out for it!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi Helen
I am also having the same SSL certificate issue. We have checked everything that you have listed above and would appreciate it if you can look at my store as well.
Hey, @makjay.
Absolutely! I am happy to take a look at this for you.
Please check your email. I have sent you correspondence so that we can proceed with the next steps.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hello ,
could you have a look at my domain to and tell me what is wrong with the ssl ?
i can´t find it in Store/domain..
Let me know what info you need .
thank you
Hello, @Aiky!
Thanks for reaching out.
Once your domain successfully connects, the SSL certificate will provision automatically. There won’t be any notices within your Shopify Admin specifically stating that it is there. A notification will show however, if the SSL certificate is not provisioned.
Therefore, when you go to ‘Online Store > Domains’ in your Shopify admin, you should only see a green ‘Connected’ notice like in the screenshot below:
What are you seeing on your Domains page? Is there a yellow or orange notification saying ‘SSL Pending’ or ‘SSL Failed’?
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Thanks for your reply,
actually i got this message from my domain host so I'm not sure if the problem comes from you or them.. .
``Nos ponemos en contacto contigo debido a que no es posible realizar la emisión del certificado SSL para www.bluemarin.es debido a que este tiene configurado un registro CAA que lo impide, el registro en cuestión es el siguiente:
shops.myshopify.com. 1800 IN CAA 0 issue "digicert.com"
shops.myshopify.com. 1800 IN CAA 0 issue "globalsign.com"
shops.myshopify.com. 1800 IN CAA 0 issue "letsencrypt.org"
Para poder realizar la emisión del certificado SSL será necesario que elimines dicha entrada o configures también la de Comodo:
shops.myshopify.com. 3600 IN CAA 0 issue "comodo.com"
Este cambio deberás realizarlo en Shopify. Avísanos una vez realizado el cambio para poder relanzar la solicitud de emisión del certificado SSL. ``
Hope your Spanish is good 🙂
i can't find in the hosting these details so maybe its somewhere on Shopify ?
Thank you for all of the information, @Aiky!
I used Google translate to read the message from your domain host, and the issue appears to be on their end; They mention your DNS settings contain a CAA record, which can be a reason for SSL issues. Therefore, I recommend contacting them directly and providing them with these DNS settings to have them adjust as needed.
If you are not seeing any ‘failed’ or ‘pending’ notifications about your SSL certificate from within your Shopify admin, then it has successfully been provided by us.
Let me know how it goes.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi Helen
My issue has been sorted from another ticket. Thank you for getting back to me.
My pleasure, @makjay!
I am happy that you were able to get it sorted out, and I appreciate you letting me know that it has been resolved.
All the best,
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Just to confirm, if we see the green "connected" in the domains page under the online store, the store is connected with SSL provisioning?
And if we see anything but that, then there is some issue with the SSL for the website? Thank you.
Hi, @herbacidal.
You are correct! The green 'connected' tab next to your custom domain in ‘Online Store > Domains’ means that your domain is successfully connected and the SSL is provisioned.
If the domain were to have a connection or SSL issue, the green 'connected' tab will be replaced with another colored indicator identifying the issue. For example:
Let me know if you have any further questions!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
I currently have the same problem, it is on pending for a while now with no succes, i did it a few times over to check if there was anything wrong but couldnt find it.
Hi, @Pieterj2.
I’m here to help! Did you purchase your domain from Shopify, or is it a third party domain?
If your domain is a third party domain, the SSL pending is more often than not due to the DNS settings. Therefore, as a next step, I recommend contacting your host directly to have them double check your DNS settings are correct. Ask them to pay attention to these domain configurations in particular that commonly affect the SSL.
Once you’ve made any adjustments, please return to ‘Online Store > Domains’ in your Shopify admin and click on ‘retry connection’ next to your domain. The domain should now fully connect and propagate within 48 hours.
Let me know if this works! Otherwise I’m happy to continue to troubleshoot it together.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hey, Helen, I'm having the same issue with mines and I don't understand the first domain I bought didn't show that staus but then I realized I brought the wrong domain so I brought the right one and now the correct domain is giving me SSL but it's connected.
my website is forever-chick.com
I know this issue has been solved for people experiencing this issue last year, but I have had my store and domain set up for almost a month and a half now but my SSL is still pending. I checked through the forum from last year and I believe everything that was suggested to solve the problem is up to date in my DNS settings but I'm not completely sure. Is there anything I should do as far as extra measures to fix this?
Hey, @PHCAdmin!
I’m sorry to hear your SSL has been pending for so long! I just went to your storefront, based on the domain that is listed in your screenshot, and it appears as though the SSL certificate has provisioned now, as seen here:
Please let me know if you are experiencing something different from your end, or still having any issues with it. I’m here to help!
By the way, excellent job on your website; Your store looks fantastic so far! Just an FYI, your About Us page is leading to a 404 page, so I recommend checking the link associated with it, by going to ‘Online Store > Navigation’. More detailed steps for editing a menu item are found here.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Having the same problem. www.vikingspeedloaders.com domain is Go Daddy. I've manually changed the DNS settings on GoDaddy to the ones suggested for this topic. The certificate still shows "pending".
Hello! I am having the same issues all of sudden. Everything was working just fine and then today I noticed when I try to preview my site it says 'page unable to find.' lazybare.com - it also still shows SSL Pending and it's been a few weeks. Thank you!
After 48 h my SSL is still pending. I already review everything that might be a problem and all seems to be ok. The domain is pajarapinta.co is it possible for you to check it? thank you.
i have the same problem with my SSL pending
Hello, Community members!
Thanks for taking the time to reach out on this thread to troubleshoot why your SSL certificate is still pending. As I’ve mentioned before, it can take up to 48 hours for a domain to propagate and the SSL certificate to provision, so please be sure you have given it the full 2 days to fully connect.
@Likana - I’m sorry to hear you have had trouble getting in touch with support. For future reference, we also have live 24/7 support via phone or chat available here. So feel free to reach out there any time as well. What's your domain name?
@melissa-viking - thank you for providing your domain name. From my end, it looks like your certificate has now provisioned (see below). Are you seeing the same?
@Natasja123 - What’s your domain name? How long ago did you initiate the transfer of your domain over to Shopify? Please keep in mind it can take up to 10 days for a successful domain transfer to complete.
@TCIconicBeauty - What’s your domain name? How long ago did you purchase it?
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hello Hellen
I am having the same issue as well. SSL pending for more than 48 hours. I use Domain.com and already set up as instructed:
- Only one A Record is setup, and it needs to point to
- Must have a CNAME pointing to shops.myshopify.com
the website is urbnvibe.com Can you please help? Thank you!
Hi, there!
@minadecorutopia - The multiple A Records you have set up on your domain are most likely what’s delaying the SSL certificates from provisioning. Do you recall why you have so many set up? I’d suggest removing all of the ones that aren’t pointing to Shopify.
@IsabellaPP - Thanks for sharing your domain name. I just went to your site, and the SSL certificate seems to be provisioned now, as seen below. Let me know if you have any other concerns about this.
@urbnvibe - Thanks for the screenshot. I see that you have 11 A Records set up on your domain. Having more than 1 A Record causes problems with the SSL certificate. Therefore, you’ll also need to remove the additional ones that do not point to Shopify.
Hope this helps!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi Helen,
Having the same issues on my end, my domain is with Crazy Domains - i have contacted them and the representative noted that everything is fine on their end and to contact Shopify.
i've been researching and trying everything for days now, but the SSL Certificate still says pending.
I have several A type records however not sure which i can delete or not, bit new to all of this unfortunatley
really hoping you might be able to help!
Hello I have Just gotten my Domain through Shopify, everything matches the info given above. But it still says pending, any clue why. roselynai.com
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