Re: Navigation button link not working

Why is the shop button on my website inactive and how can I fix it?

21 0 4

On my website. I have the collections page connected to the website through the navigation on the Shop button.

When you go on my website, the shop button is inactive.


How do I make it active?

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
6722 610 1433

No collection url code appears at all, can't diagnose what cannot be seen or inspected.


Check all menu related settings in the theme editor.

When setting up the menu makes sure the url is actually fully entered before saving.

If using an app that does stuff with menus disable/uninstall it.

If the theme was customized do a rollback.

Get a fresh copy of the theme unpublished and check it's menu settings and behaviors to see if the problem persists.


Beyond that you'd have to provide an exact walk through of what your doing or someone would have to look around in the stores backend.

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21 0 4
Thanks. I'm not technical enough to know where to find what your referring
I have readded the menu link multiple times through the dropdown menu of
the pages and by adding the link.
Nothing happens.
Shopify Partner
6722 610 1433

@Rose1212 wrote:
I have readded the menu link multiple times through the dropdown menu of
the pages and by adding the link.

dropdown menu? Do you mean the menu/navigation admin?

Make sure to review the manual for navigation 


If you need this explored and fixed then contact me directly by mail for services.
Please always provide context, examples: store url, theme name, post url(s) , or any further detail.
Contact Info in signature.



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