Re: Geolocation not appearing on website

Why isn't the Geolocation app showing currency options on my website?

1 0 0

Hi there!


I am having trouble with the Geolocation Shopify app. 


I am trying to offer USD as an additional currency on my website (AUD is my main currency). I have added the Geolocation app, made the relevant changes and published it to my website. For whatever reason, when I visit my website anonymously I am not greeted with a box which enables me to choose my currency (despite adding this option in through Geolocation). I have also tried enabling my VPN and changing my location to the US and it still doesn't prompt me to change currencies. 


I would love if someone could assist me with this. I am also given a box at the footer of my website which does enable me to change currencies. This is useful but I would ideally like to have this at the top of the page rather than the footer - if anyone is able to please explain to me how this could be done that would also be much appreciated!



Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1746 173 325

Hi @BaggysPrivate,

Hyde here from Shopify. Excellent question!

It's strange that you're not automatically offered a recommendation, even when testing with a VPN. Is your store currently live or do you still have a password page on it?

At least the selector is showing up correctly. As the help document says, the only place the selector can/will show up presently is the footer of your site, it's not currently customizable beyond choosing between Left, Center, or Right positioning as described below:


 I will send you an email so that we can dig into the recommendation issue together. Please be sure to reply from the email address you used to set up your Shopify account.

All the best, Hyde.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

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Same Issue, it also doesnt appear on the bottom of the site!

2 0 2

Hi All,

I am getting a similar issue using the Geolocation app with the minimal theme... I can see the currency dropdown menu at the bottom of the interface, but no currency selector within the header.

Is there further configuration required?

I can see it displaying in the Geolocation app editor but just not on the live site after saving my changes - 

Screenshot 2021-02-12 at 12.26.06.png


Any help is appreciated.


1 0 2

Hi, I am facing exactly the same problem, i can see the header in preview mode, but the header is not reflecting on my live site. Any way we can resolve this?

Screenshot 2021-04-25 at 10.47.02 PM.png


1 0 1

Hi, I have the same problem on a client's site.

Using the Venture theme, the popup / header shows in the preview but not the live site.

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1 0 0

If you're not seeing the selector it's possible that you didn't enable the language for the market.

Try going to:

Settings > Markets > Select the market (e.g. German) click Manage > Domains and languages Manage > Enable the language in market languages by clicking the checkbox next to the language

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Greetings, I am experiencing exactly the same issue. I can see the header in preview mode, but the header does not appear on my live site. Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this?


Jash Patel