Discuss and resolve questions on Liquid, JavaScript, themes, sales channels, and site speed enhancements.
the header color is shown on desktop view but not shown on mobile view
Hey @DandSmart
Try this code and if this doesn't works then share your store url and password if enabled.
Follow these Steps:
1) Go to Online Store
2) Edit Code
3) Find theme.liquid file
4) Add the following code in the bottom of the file above </body> tag
.header {
background: black !important;
If I managed to help you then, don't forget to Like it and Mark it as Solution!
Best Regards,
theme.liquid file not found
like that
this is the code can any one check it plzzz
{% liquid
assign theme_rtl = false
if settings.rtl_enable and settings.langauges_rtl == blank
assign theme_rtl = true
if settings.rtl_enable and settings.langauges_rtl != blank
assign rtl_languages = settings.langauges_rtl | split: ','
for language in rtl_languages
if language == request.locale.iso_code
assign theme_rtl = true
<!doctype html>
<!--[if IE 9]> <html class="ie9 no-js supports-no-cookies" lang="{{ shop.locale }}"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--> <html class="no-js supports-no-cookies" lang="{{ request.locale.iso_code }}" {% if theme_rtl %}dir="rtl"{% endif %}> <!--<![endif]-->
<!-- Basic and Helper page needs -->
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
<meta name="theme-color" content="{{ settings.color_primary }}">
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ canonical_url }}">
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://cdn.shopify.com">
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://ajax.googleapis.com">
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="https://cdn.shopify.com">
{%- if settings.favicon != blank -%}
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ settings.favicon | img_url: '32x32' }}" type="image/png" />
{%- endif -%}
<!-- Title and description -->
{{ page_title -}}
{%- if current_tags %} – tagged "{{ current_tags | join: ', ' }}"{% endif -%}
{%- if current_page != 1 %} – Page {{ current_page }}{% endif -%}
{%- unless page_title contains shop.name %} – {{ shop.name }}{% endunless -%}
{% if page_description %}
<meta name="description" content="{{ page_description | escape }}" />
{% endif %}
<!-- Helpers -->
{%- render 'social-meta-tags', product: product, article: article -%}
{%- render 'typography-and-color' -%}
<!-- Header hook for plugins -->
{{ content_for_header }}
{%- render 'oldIE-js' -%}
<!-- CSS -->
{%- render 'header-css' -%}
{%- if settings.mrn_custom_css != '' -%}
{{ settings.mrn_custom_css }}
{%- endif -%}
<!-- JS -->
{%- render 'header-js' -%}
{% if template contains 'customers' %}
{{ 'shopify_common.js' | shopify_asset_url | script_tag }}
{% endif %}
<body id="{{ page_title | handle }}" class="{% if customer %}customer-logged-in {% endif %}template-{{ template.name | handle }}" >
{%- if settings.enable_preloader -%}
{%- render 'preloader' -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if template == 'index' and settings.newsletter_popup_enable -%}
{%- render 'newsletter-popup' -%}
{%- endif -%}
<div class="wrapper{% if settings.box_layout_enable %} wrapper-box{% endif %}">
{% sections 'header-group' %}
{% liquid
assign breadcrumb = true
if template == '404' or template == 'customers/login' or template == 'customers/register' or template == 'customers/account' or template == 'customers/activate_account' or template == 'customers/addresses' or template == 'customers/order' or template == 'customers/reset_password'
assign breadcrumb = false
{%- if template != 'index' and breadcrumb -%}
{%- if template == 'collection' -%}
{% if collection.handle == 'all' %}
{%- section 'breadcrumb' -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- section 'breadcrumb' -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{{ content_for_layout }}
{% sections 'footer-group' %}
{%- if settings.compare_product_enalbe -%}
{%- render 'compare-popup' -%}
{%- endif -%}
<!-- Necessary JS -->
{%- render 'footer-js' -%}
{%- if settings.body_bg_color != blank and settings.body_bg_color_enable -%}
html, body, .slick-append{
background: {{ settings.body_bg_color }};
{% endif %}
{%- if settings.common_color_enable -%}
:root {
--black: {{ settings.common_color_black }};
--white: {{ settings.common_color_white }};
--border-color-1: {{ settings.border_color_1 }};
--section-bg-1: {{ settings.section_bg_color_1 }};
.slick-arrow-1 .slick-arrow {
color: {{ settings.carousel_arrow_color }}!important;
{%- endif -%}
{% include 'cjpod' %}
.header {
background: black !important;
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