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Änderung der Preisansicht je nach Land, MwSt und Währung


Änderung der Preisansicht je nach Land, MwSt und Währung

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Ich verkaufe bald in meinem eShop Taschen von Deutschland nach ganz Europa.
Ich weiß auch Bescheid über die Einstellungen der Steueranmeldungen / OSS etc. im System.


Meine Fragen sind bezüglich der Ansicht der Preise im shop:
Erkennt shopify automatisch den Ort des Nutzers und passt
- die Währung  und Bruttopreise 
- auf derProduktansicht und der Produktgalerie an, 
- oder erst im Warenkorb?
- Und was wird angezeigt, wenn der Kunde ein VPN anhat?

Lenkt mich auch gerne auf die entsprechenden Links zur entsprechenden Supportseite bzw. Videos 

Vielen Dank im Voraus!


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Shopify offers several features to adjust currencies and prices based on users' location information:

  1. Currency Adjustment : Shopify allows you to display prices in local currency if you configure geolocation features and market settings correctly. Once you set up markets in your Shopify admin and enable local currencies, customers will be able to see prices in their local currency​ (Shopify Help Center).​.

  2. Price adjustment before shopping cart : The currency adjustment and the display of prices take place on the product page, not in the shopping cart. This requires that you use Shopify's geolocation app or integrate with third-party apps that support this functionality (Shopify Help Center) .

  3. Impact of a VPN : If a customer uses a VPN that obscures their true geographic location, Shopify may not recognize their true location. This may result in currency and prices being displayed based on the perceived location dictated by the VPN. By default, Shopify's geolocation app recommends the country and language based on the detected IP address unless the customer manually adjusts their settings.

Lösung in ursprünglichem Beitrag anzeigen


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Shopify offers several features to adjust currencies and prices based on users' location information:

  1. Currency Adjustment : Shopify allows you to display prices in local currency if you configure geolocation features and market settings correctly. Once you set up markets in your Shopify admin and enable local currencies, customers will be able to see prices in their local currency​ (Shopify Help Center).​.

  2. Price adjustment before shopping cart : The currency adjustment and the display of prices take place on the product page, not in the shopping cart. This requires that you use Shopify's geolocation app or integrate with third-party apps that support this functionality (Shopify Help Center) .

  3. Impact of a VPN : If a customer uses a VPN that obscures their true geographic location, Shopify may not recognize their true location. This may result in currency and prices being displayed based on the perceived location dictated by the VPN. By default, Shopify's geolocation app recommends the country and language based on the detected IP address unless the customer manually adjusts their settings.

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Thank you so much Ben310! 😀