FROM CACHE - de_header
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Betreff: A small green line in the Shopify Impulse Header

A small green line in the Shopify Impulse Header

Shopify Partner
14 0 3

Hi I would like to add a green, small line under the menu items of the shopify impulse theme like in the screenshot attached. 


color: #83861B


full width (desktop & mobile)

Bildschirmfoto 2024-10-29 um 15.15.35.png

There must be white space under the line like on the screenshot image.


I am grateful for any help. Thanks in advance!


1037 136 219

I have just one question - why? Will it really improve the UX? It could even take your Impulse theme out of the updates stream. And if your menu adds items or becomes longer or is on a smaller screen size then it will do a line break and look totally NAF!