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Europaweite Umsatzsteuer-ID für finnischen Shop

Europaweite Umsatzsteuer-ID für finnischen Shop

Shopify Partner
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wir haben für unseren finnischen Shop den Hauptstandort des Shops auf eine finnische Adresse geändert um die dort übliche Zustellmethode darstellen zu können (die Posti App ist in Deutschland nicht nutzbar und nur ein Nebenstandort genügt nicht).

Um nun auch Shopify Payments zu nutzen müssen wir unsere Umsatzsteuer-ID angeben. Leider hat die Umsatzsteuer-ID eine Ziffer zu viel und lässt sich für einen Standort in Finnland nicht eingeben. Dies ist insofern verwunderlich, weil es ja eine Europaweit gültige UST-ID ist.

Kennt hier jemand einen Workaround?

Viele Grüße!


Shopify Staff (Retired)
19233 3006 4438

Hey @yvolve 


Danke für die Frage und um Shopify Payments in Finnland zu verwenden verlangen unsere Banking Partner (Stripe) die folgenden Tax Angaben im O-Ton (diese habe ich diesem Dokument entnommen) :


Personal tax identification number (TIN): Finnish Social Security Number

  • Format: 11 characters: 6 digits, 1 character which can be + (plus), - (minus) or the letter A, 3 digits, 1 alphanumeric character. EX. 123456-000A
    • The last character can be one of the following:
  • Company tax ID: Business TINs are issued following registration with the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH).
    • “Yritys-ja yhteisötunnus (Y-tunnus)" in Finnish or "Företags- och organisationsnummer (FO-nummer)” in Swedish.
    • Format: TIN consists of 8 digits and a dash
      • 1234567-8
    • TINs can be manually validated through Virre information service (PRH) or the PRH Business Information System (YTJ).
    • The PRH issues a certificate with the business number following registration.
  • VAT number: 
    • We no longer ask you to enter your VAT ID, instead calculating this from the Business Tax ID if you have one. 
    • Your VAT ID can be calculated from the Business Tax ID (example: if 1234567-8 is the Business Tax ID, then FI1234567-8 is the VAT ID - if you are registered for VAT).
  • During set up: Corporate entities must provide the Business number (Y-tunnus / FO-nummer), while individuals can provide their Finnish Social Security Number (Personal Identity Code).
  • Identity Documents

    They should list the Finnish Personal Identity Code (equivalent to Social Security Number / TIN):

    • Passi / Pass (Passport)
    • Ajokortti / Körkort (Driver's license) - Photos of front and back are required.
    • Henkilökortti / Identitetskort (Identity card) - Photos of front and back are required.

    If you don't have the above IDs, we can also accept:

    • Oleskelukortti / Uppehållstillstånd (Residence card) - Photos of front and back are required.

    Personal Address Documents
    If an address verification document is required for an individual, it must show the individual's personal name and address.

    • Sähkö-, kaasu- tai vesilasku / El-, gas- eller vattenräkning (Utility bill) - dated within 6 months.
    • Tiliote / Bankutdrag (Bank statement) - dated within 6 months.
    • Asuntolainaselvitys / Inteckning (Mortgage statement) - dated within 6 months.

    Company/Entity Documents
    If a registration document is required for a company, it must show the company name and Y-tunnus / FO-nummer (tax ID).

    Preferred because they list the Y-tunnus / FO-nummer:

    • Kaupparekisteriote / Handelsregistrering (Trade registration).
    • Kaupparekisteriote / Utdrag från handelsregister (Commercial register extract).
    • ALV-rekisteröinti / Momsregistreringsnummer (VAT Registration).

    If you don't have the above documents, one of the following can also work:

    • Tilinpäätökset / Årsredovisning (Financial statements).
    • Yhtiöjärjestys / Bolagsordning (Articles of association).

    Company/Entity Address Documents
    If an address verification document is required for a company, it must show the company name and address.

    • Utility Bill
    • Statement from a financial institution
    • Government issued letter
    • Kaupparekisteriote / Handelsregistrering (Trade registration)
    • Kaupparekisteriote / Utdrag från handelsregister (Commercial register extract)
    • ALV-rekisteröinti / Momsregistreringsnummer (VAT Registration)


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