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Product Import doesnt show any Fail but doesnt show the Imported Products

Product Import doesnt show any Fail but doesnt show the Imported Products

1 0 0

I Imported Products via csv, shopify says that everything went good and it worked, but no product is showing. I tested also only 1 Product...


Shopify Partner
24 4 10

Hey MiskAlGhuraba,

maybe I can help you a little with this. 


I try to import your products to a test shop. I was told that your products were successfully imported. But when I checked my emails, I got this error:

Bildschirm­foto 2023-07-02 um 21.38.38.png

(If you don't speak German, the error was: "Validation failed: Options is not valid and option name is not unique".)

What you did wrong:

  • If your product have options, you can not put the same option in the same row. 
  • You have to put them in different rows like this:
    Bildschirm­foto 2023-07-02 um 21.45.33.png
  • See Shopify's import CVS example. (CVS Download Link).

I hope my answer was helpful with your product import.



Jan Ole Wiedenroth | Gründer & Inhaber | Wiedenroth Design
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