Liquid, JavaScript, thema's
I would like to add the TAG of a product to this email that is send to myself after an order has been made. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance.
{%- capture email_title %}
{% endcapture -%}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="nl">
<title>{{ email_title }}</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/assets/admin/merchant_mailer/style.css">
<style data-premailer="ignore">
.button__cell { background: {{ shop.email_accent_color }}; }
a, a:hover, a:active, a:visited { color: {{ shop.email_accent_color }}; }
@media print{
body {
color: black !important;
.subtotal-line__value {
padding: 0 !important;
margin: 0 !important;
.subtotal-table {
margin: 0 !important;
<table class="row">
<tr class="mail-priority-indicator mail-priority-indicator--{% if fulfillment_aborted or has_high_risks? %}high{% else %}low{% endif %}">
<table class="body">
{% if fulfillment_aborted %}
<table class="row banner-container banner-alert__table">
<td class="banner-alert__cell">
<img src="{{ 'mailer/merchant/critical_alert.png' | cdn_asset_url }}" alt="Critical Alert" width="20px">
<td class="banner-description__cell">
<strong class="banner-alert__title">Bestelling is niet automatisch afgehandeld</strong>
Hoog risico op fraude gedetecteerd. Voordat je deze bestelling of betaling uitvoert, moet je de risicoanalyse bekijken en bepalen of deze bestelling frauduleus is.
{% endif %}
{% if has_high_risks? %}
<table class="row banner-container banner-alert__table">
<td class="banner-alert__cell">
<img src="{{ 'mailer/merchant/critical_alert.png' | cdn_asset_url }}" alt="Critical Alert" width="20px">
<td class="banner-description__cell">
<strong class="banner-alert__title">Hoog risico op fraude gedetecteerd</strong>
Voordat je deze bestelling of betaling uitvoert, moet je de risicoanalyse bekijken en bepalen of deze bestelling frauduleus is.
{% endif %}
<table class="row">
<td class="section__cell">
<table class="container section">
<table class="row content">
<td class="content__cell {% if no_top_border == 'hide_border' %}no_top__border{% endif %}">
<table class="container">
<table class="row">
{% assign current_date = date | date: "%b %d" %}
{% assign current_time = date | date: "%l:%M %P" %}
{% if %}
{{ }} plaatste bestelling {{ name }} op {{ current_date }} om {{ current_time | strip }}.
{% else %}
Iemand heeft bestelling {{ name }} geplaatst op {{ current_date }} om {{ current_time | strip }}.
{% endif %}
<table class="row actions" style="width: auto;">
<td class="empty-line"> </td>
<td class="actions__cell">
<table class="button main-action-cell">
<td><a href="https://{{ shop.permanent_domain }}/admin/orders/{{ id }}" class="mail-button" style="margin-right:5px">Bestelling weergeven</a></td>
<table class="row content">
<td class="content__cell {% if no_top_border == 'hide_border' %}no_top__border{% endif %}">
<table class="container">
<strong class="order-list__summary-title">Besteloverzicht</strong>
<table class="row">
{% for line in subtotal_line_items %}
<tr class="order-list__item">
<td class="order-list__item__cell">
{% if line.image %}
<img src="{{ line | img_url: 'compact_cropped' }}" align="left" width="60" height="60" class="order-list__product-image"/>
{% endif %}
<td class="order-list__product-description-cell">
{% if line.quantity < line.quantity %}
{% capture line_display %} {{ line.quantity }} of {{ line.quantity }} {% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% assign line_display = line.quantity %}
{% endif %}
<span class="order-list__item-title">
{% if line.product.title == blank %}
{{ line.title }}</span><br/>
{% else %}
{{ line.product.title }}
{% endif %}
{% if line.quantity %}
{% if line.original_line_price != line.final_line_price %}
<span><del class="order-list__item-original-price">{{ line.original_price | money }}</del></span>
{% endif %}
<span>{{ line.final_price | money }} × {{ line.quantity }} </span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% if line.variant.title != 'Default Title' %}
<span class="order-list__item-variant">{{ line.variant.title }}</span>
{% if line.sku != blank %}
<span class="order-list__item-variant">• </span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if line.sku != blank %}
<span class="order-list__item-variant">SKU: {{ line.sku }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if line.selling_plan_allocation != nil %}
<p class="order-list__item-variant">{{ }}</p>
{% endif %}
<td class="order-list__price-cell">
<p class="order-list__item-price">
{% if line.final_line_price > 0 %}
{{ line.final_line_price | money }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
</tr>{% endfor %}
<table class="row subtotal-lines">
<table class="row subtotal-table">
{% assign discount_value = 0 %}
{% for discount_application in discount_applications %}
{% if discount_application.target_selection == 'all' %}
{% assign discount_value = discount_application.total_allocated_amount %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
{% if titleBold %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
{% if valueBold %}
<strong>{{ subtotal_price | plus: discount_value | money }}</strong>
{% else %}
{{ subtotal_price | plus: discount_value | money }}
{% endif %}
{% for discount_application in discount_applications %}
{% if discount_application.target_selection == 'all' %}
{% capture discount_title %}
{% if discount_application.title %}
{{ discount_application.title | upcase }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endcapture %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
{% if titleBold %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<span class="subtotal-line__discount">
<span class="subtotal-line__discount-title">{% if discount_title.size > 0 %}({{ discount_title | strip }}){% endif %}</span>
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
{% if valueBold %}
<strong>-{{ discount_application.total_allocated_amount | money }}</strong>
{% else %}
-{{ discount_application.total_allocated_amount | money }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if delivery_method == 'pick-up' %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
{% if titleBold %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
{% if valueBold %}
<strong>{{ shipping_price | money }}</strong>
{% else %}
{{ shipping_price | money }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
{% if titleBold %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<span class="subtotal-line__discount">
<span class="subtotal-line__discount-title">{% if shipping_method.title.size > 0 %}({{ shipping_method.title }}){% endif %}</span>
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
{% if valueBold %}
<strong>{{ shipping_price | money }}</strong>
{% else %}
{{ shipping_price | money }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% for tax_line in tax_lines %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
{% if titleBold %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<span class="subtotal-line__discount">
<span class="subtotal-line__discount-title">{% if tax_line.title.size > 0 %}({{ tax_line.title }} {{ tax_line.rate | times: 100 }}%){% endif %}</span>
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
{% if valueBold %}
<strong>{{ tax_line.price | money }}</strong>
{% else %}
{{ tax_line.price | money }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<table class="row subtotal-table subtotal-table--total">
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
{% if titleBold %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
{% if valueBold %}
<strong>{{ total_price | money_with_currency }}</strong>
{% else %}
{{ total_price | money_with_currency }}
{% endif %}
<table class="row content">
<td class="content__cell {% if no_top_border == 'hide_border' %}no_top__border{% endif %}">
<table class="container">
{% if gateway %}
<table class="row">
<td class="customer-info__item customer-info__item--last">
<p>{{ gateway }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if requires_shipping and shipping_address %}
{% if shipping_methods.first %}
<table class="row">
<td class="customer-info__item customer-info__item--last">
{% for shipping_method in shipping_methods %}
<p>{{ shipping_method.title }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<table class="row">
<td class="customer-info__item customer-info__item--last">
{{ }}<br>
{{ shipping_address.street }}<br>
{{ }},
{{ shipping_address.province }}
{{ }}<br>
{{ }}<br>
{{ }}<br>
{% if po_number %}
<p>#{{ po_number }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<footer class="no-print">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="mail-footer">
<td align="center" valign="bottom">
<img src="{{ 'mailer/merchant/shopify_logo.png' | cdn_asset_url }}" alt="Shopify" width="89">
<td align="center">
<p><span class="apple-link">151 O'Connor Street, Ground floor, Ottawa, ON, K2P 2L8</span></p>
<img class="no-print" src="{{ 'notifications/spacer.png' | shopify_asset_url }}" class="spacer" height="1" />
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