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Error syncing data into Dynamics Business Central 365

Error syncing data into Dynamics Business Central 365

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I'm new to Shopify and I'm trying out Shopify with a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales connection.

My Shopify account is a basic account, but I'm running into a problem with synchronising articles and orders in Dynamics Business Central 365 Sales. I do can import clients, that works.


According to this post it looks like the error is on Shopify's side

The following error occurs when I try to sync with D365 for syncing clients:


Fout(en) in Shopify:

[{"message":"Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.
nRequest ID: 78ad4d63-49e8-40cd-bf70-8753a3556625 (include this in support requests).","extensions":{"code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","requestId":"78ad4d63-49e8-40cd-bf70-8753a3556625"}}]


ErrorMessagesRecommendationExt(PageExtension 7900)."Description - OnDrillDown"(Trigger) line 10 - Error Messages with Recommendations by Microsoft

Aangepaste dimensies:
[{"Item1":"ErrorCallStack","Item2":""},{"Item1":"CreatedOn","Item2":"18-12-23 11:12"}]


Does someone knows how to handle this?


Greetings, W