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Re: Pixel Helper toont een onbekende pixel id dat gekoppeld aan mijn webshop

Pixel Helper toont een onbekende pixel id dat gekoppeld aan mijn webshop

6 0 1

Ik krijg al een tijdje geen tot onvoldoende gebeurtenissen binnen op mijn Facebook Pixel. Aan Facebook zijde is alles in orde (volgens Facebook) Als ik in de Pixel Helper kijk, geeft die een andere Pixel ID weer dan mijn eigen Pixel. Dit terwijl dit volgens mij in Shopify juist werd ingesteld. Facebook kan zien dat de pixel id toegehoord aan een bedrijf waarvan de pixel aan meer dan 3000 websites is gekoppeld... Wat is dit en hoe kan ik dit oplossen dat er terug mijn eigen pixel staat?



Shopify Partner
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Please take a closer look to your theme.css ... There has to be a META-Pixel (Facebook) Snippet. Make also sure to check in your Facebook Sales Channel if Everything is connected fine. I hope that helps. Your problem is a common issue, we solve this 2-3 times a week.

Stephan | ShopifyPlus Partner | GRATIS Shopify-Buch auf | Fragen? Schick' eine PN
6 0 1

Hello, I deconnected and reconnected my pixel in the Facebook-app and uncoupled and recoupled it my Online shop --> Preferences section. This did fix it.

I somewhere read that the use of a pricacy banner could case troubles in right registration of events in the pixel. I disabled my privacybanner (Ultimate Cookie GDPR) and then the pixel was visible again in the Pixel Helper (Chrome extension). So now I use the standard privacy banner of Shopify and now the pixel is seen in Pixel Helper and events are coming into Event manager of Facebook again. I only need to check if the numbers are right as for example the the number of purchases really don't match (is much less in event manager than in in Shopify) Is there a reason for?

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I had contact with Facebook help. They see there is a problem and suggest to instal the Pixelcode manually in the header of my webshop code. I can do this but is there an example of the code for the standard events?

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I searched a little further and installed my pixelcode in the header. I included the events to track as well. I hope this works now