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Re: Cambiar El Color De Una Palabra De Mi Menú Desplegable


Cambiar El Color De Una Palabra De Mi Menú Desplegable

8 0 1


Necesito poner en mi menú desplegable la palabra “NUEVOS PRODUCTOS” en el color de codigo #327091 y la palabra "SALE" en color rojo.
Mi tienda es 

muchas gracias 


Shopify Partner
1336 141 199




please follow below instructions


Online Store > Edit Code > Assets >  base.css file and paste it at the bottom.

.menu-drawer__menu.has-submenu li:nth-child(3) a {
	color: #dd0000 !important;
.menu-drawer__menu.has-submenu li:nth-child(4) a {
	color: #327091 !important;



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Ver la solución en mensaje original publicado


Shopify Partner
1336 141 199
@Dec0rArte bienvenido a la comunidad Shopify,

¿Puedes compartir la captura de pantalla? ¿Porque no veo ningún menú de ventas en la navegación principal? también los Nuevos Productos.

Una vez que las instrucciones estén claras, compartiré el código CSS y las instrucciones contigo.

- If you need any technical assistance, feel free to send me a DM. You no longer have to search for answers without getting a response.
- Please don't forget to Like and Mark Solution to the post that helped you. Thanks!
- Your Shopify Solution Specialist For further discussion contact: Email ID- Liqud_3xPert_SJ OR Whatsapp
- Buy a Coffee for me to get more frequently help 🙂
- Hire Me to unlock the full potential of your e-commerce store Now 🙂- If you need any technical assistance, feel free to send me a DM. You no longer have to search for answers without getting a response.
- Please don't forget to Like and Mark Solution to the post that helped you. Thanks!
- Your Shopify Solution Specialist For further discussion contact: Email ID- Liqud_3xPert_SJ OR Whatsapp
- Buy a Coffee for me to get more frequently help 🙂
- Hire Me to unlock the full potential of your e-commerce store Now 🙂
- Need THEME UPDATES but have custom codes? No worries, for an affordable price.
8 0 1

te adjunto imagen 

Captura de pantalla 2024-03-27 075430.png

Shopify Partner
1336 141 199




please follow below instructions


Online Store > Edit Code > Assets >  base.css file and paste it at the bottom.

.menu-drawer__menu.has-submenu li:nth-child(3) a {
	color: #dd0000 !important;
.menu-drawer__menu.has-submenu li:nth-child(4) a {
	color: #327091 !important;



- If you need any technical assistance, feel free to send me a DM. You no longer have to search for answers without getting a response.
- Please don't forget to Like and Mark Solution to the post that helped you. Thanks!
- Your Shopify Solution Specialist For further discussion contact: Email ID- Liqud_3xPert_SJ OR Whatsapp
- Buy a Coffee for me to get more frequently help 🙂
- Hire Me to unlock the full potential of your e-commerce store Now 🙂- If you need any technical assistance, feel free to send me a DM. You no longer have to search for answers without getting a response.
- Please don't forget to Like and Mark Solution to the post that helped you. Thanks!
- Your Shopify Solution Specialist For further discussion contact: Email ID- Liqud_3xPert_SJ OR Whatsapp
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- Need THEME UPDATES but have custom codes? No worries, for an affordable price.
8 0 1


El código me funcionó, pero me puedes ayudar en eliminar el color azul y rojo de estas 4 palabras? , necesito que solo queden en las palabras ''SALE'' y ''NUEVOS PRODUCTOS'' 


Shopify Partner
1336 141 199



update your code with this


.menu-drawer__menu.has-submenu > li:nth-child(3) a {
	color: #dd0000 !important;
.menu-drawer__menu.has-submenu > li:nth-child(4) a {
	color: #327091 !important;


- If you need any technical assistance, feel free to send me a DM. You no longer have to search for answers without getting a response.
- Please don't forget to Like and Mark Solution to the post that helped you. Thanks!
- Your Shopify Solution Specialist For further discussion contact: Email ID- Liqud_3xPert_SJ OR Whatsapp
- Buy a Coffee for me to get more frequently help 🙂
- Hire Me to unlock the full potential of your e-commerce store Now 🙂- If you need any technical assistance, feel free to send me a DM. You no longer have to search for answers without getting a response.
- Please don't forget to Like and Mark Solution to the post that helped you. Thanks!
- Your Shopify Solution Specialist For further discussion contact: Email ID- Liqud_3xPert_SJ OR Whatsapp
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- Need THEME UPDATES but have custom codes? No worries, for an affordable price.
2 0 0


Y para que esa modificación también aparezca en pantalla completa no solo en móvil, qué codigo se debe usar?

Shopify Partner
1336 141 199

Sí, correcto, es para todas las pantallas. Avíseme si necesita mi ayuda.

- If you need any technical assistance, feel free to send me a DM. You no longer have to search for answers without getting a response.
- Please don't forget to Like and Mark Solution to the post that helped you. Thanks!
- Your Shopify Solution Specialist For further discussion contact: Email ID- Liqud_3xPert_SJ OR Whatsapp
- Buy a Coffee for me to get more frequently help 🙂
- Hire Me to unlock the full potential of your e-commerce store Now 🙂- If you need any technical assistance, feel free to send me a DM. You no longer have to search for answers without getting a response.
- Please don't forget to Like and Mark Solution to the post that helped you. Thanks!
- Your Shopify Solution Specialist For further discussion contact: Email ID- Liqud_3xPert_SJ OR Whatsapp
- Buy a Coffee for me to get more frequently help 🙂
- Hire Me to unlock the full potential of your e-commerce store Now 🙂
- Need THEME UPDATES but have custom codes? No worries, for an affordable price.