Hi all, just as the subject title says. My site has been live for about 2 months now, I personally think the site looks and works well, suppose I am biased in that sense haha. I have my products lis...
Sep 12, 2021
Hi everyone, thank you for taking the time to open this post! I am just entering the e-commerce space, and I am launching my very first Dropshipping store on Shopify. I have not done any SEO or Mar...
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Thank you so much for the reply! feeling a little silly I did not see that checkbox! hahaNext question, How would I go about swapping out the icons for custom icons? and them making them a littler larger? I have a couple ready to go, but wanting to a...
Hi everyone! I am trying to add clickable social media icons to my footer in DAWN theme, I have gone to my theme settings and added the page web addresses in the socials settings, but they don't appear to be displaying anywhere on my pages. I would l...
of course! it is https://www.modassi.com.au/ Which section should I paste that code in to, to resize my cart button?
As the title is asking , i have installed a custom cart icon in the header.liquid. It is giving me the image I want but it is much too large. <span> <img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0592/4080/8605/files/New_Cart_Button.png?v=1631256692" ar...