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Hi SeaMe, I do agree that the lookbook page or gallery page should be added to themes...But if you are still looking for a way to make lookbook page, using our Shopify App might be the solution. This is the lookb...
Hi @landandroots, We have recently developed an app that suits your needs.Our app has the tag filtering function and also has clickable images with popup! Let me know if you need any assistance to setup the app....
こちらの記事参考になれば嬉しいです。もし技術的に難しいとのことでしたら、ブログ内のコンタクトフォームよりご連絡いただければ、対応可能ですのでご相談ください。 [Shopify]アプリなしでブログに目次をつける実装方法(コピペ可)
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