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Hi again! Still no one who knows how to do this? best regards,  Victor Vaissier
Hi! A few weeks ago I got help with coding in a add to cart-button on collection pages that looks like this:  The problem is that it's directing me to the cart page instantly, instead of just showing me a popup/prompt if I want to go to my cart or co...
  Hi @GoDrinks-Bali! This is also something we're looking in to. Please contact me if you find a solution to this before @IttantaTech answers! Best regards, VictorVaissier 
Works like a charm! Thank you so much!
Great! Thank you!
This dawn-version is just in preview mode atm. We're using a different theme right now. Don't want to go live with this one right now. Is there another way?
Hi IttantaTech!Thanks for helping me,the new code still gives me the same error as in the printscreen
Hi! I've been looking on tutorials on how to place an add to cart-button on the collection page. Everything looks right, but it isn't working properly when pushing the button. This is the code I've been using: <form method="post" action="/cart/add"><...
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This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
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